Old dominion vs any other ltl

Discussion in 'Old Dominion' started by Texasturbo, Apr 16, 2019.

  1. Texasturbo

    Texasturbo Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2019
    Hi y'all, I'm from Dallas and looking to get off the road and do local ltl runs.
    Wanted your opinion on which is the best and would fit my lifestyle? Just got divorced and looking to work alot of overtime and make as much money as possible a week, I'm young and hungry.
    Also which one has a quick hiring process?
    I'm 28 clean mvr,clean dac,2 year dot medical,2 years otr experience,and have all my endorsements.
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  3. sdaniel

    sdaniel Road Train Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Pelham N.C.
    Coming up on 5 years with OD , have been very happy . Run line haul , not P and D , so can not really comment on P and D . But the company as a whole has been top notch.
    Texasturbo Thanks this.
  4. Texasturbo

    Texasturbo Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2019
    What's the difference between those postions?
  5. sdaniel

    sdaniel Road Train Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Pelham N.C.
    P and D does the local pickup and delivery. Line haul takes the freight that P and D picked up from point A to point B . The P and D guy will deliver it . Line Haul can be home daily or gone all week , P and D will be home daily . Line Haul pays more , but can not state as fact as to how much .
    25(2)+2 and Texasturbo Thank this.
  6. Texasturbo

    Texasturbo Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2019
    So they both have the option of daily hometime and days off? Also which one has more readily available work? I always hear of people not working for days which equals no pay
  7. speedyk

    speedyk Road Train Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    P&D goes around and "peddles" to local industries and sometimes residences with a liftgate and lots of patience, dropping off and picking up freight by day when customers are open. They return to the barn in the evening, the freight is rearranged into trailers to go in a certain direction, and the linehaul guy drives at night to take those to either another barn or to meet someone from another barn midway and swap sets. Some outfits use full length trailers, most use 28' pups.

    The P&D guy gets paid hourly, the linehaul by miles except for detention and accessorials like making up/breaking up sets. Depending on the company and the work in that location, one makes more than the other, but typically linehaul is the money job. The P&D guy doesn't need gym membership and sleeps at night.

    There are daylight linehaul and OTR linehaul gigs as well, the former requires seniority and the latter is when you see a sleeper cab pulling doubles and usually also means a team setup. Some of those run coast-to-coast, FxG is an example and YRC likely does similar.
    Chinatown and Texasturbo Thank this.
  8. Texasturbo

    Texasturbo Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2019
    Thank you for the breakdown of that I definitely want to do linehaul i love graveyard shifts
  9. Radman

    Radman Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    You’ll love linehaul. It’s were the moneys at. Any LTL companies like runners. Typically senior drivers only want to work the min to be off. There are some greedy drivers but for the most they work their min bid. A job to you can retire and stack that 401k.
    Texas_hwy_287 and Texasturbo Thank this.
  10. Texasturbo

    Texasturbo Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2019

    That's good to hear thank you for that.
    I want to work as much as possible keep my mind busy and my check account growing.
    What exactly are bids when its comes to ltl companies and how do I get all the night bids?
  11. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Yeah, do line haul. Old Dominion is one of the best, then there's Estes Express.
    Friend of mine does line haul with Estes Express; drop & hook, city to city and home every day.
    Makes over $70K. It's possible to make a lot more than that, but he's content with $70K.
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