ok. so i had rear seal leaking. so i went to replace it and now no one has it. not websites dealers nothing. Any idea what my plan B is here? are there places that can copy old seals?
options on backorder differential seal
Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by 4noReason, Jan 14, 2025.
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Model # rear?
4noReason Thanks this. -
not sure on model. I think it's meritor. or mercedes . I'll ask shop but they can't find seal. and now I'm worrying heavily on what plan B can be
4noReason Thanks this.
Looks like a Freightliner #. Do you have a current part #?
4noReason Thanks this. -
This one claims to have them in stock.
MBA 0139976246 SHAFT SEAL4noReason and Big Road Skateboard Thank this. -
There are places that specialize in just seals. If you have a P/N or could provide the old seal plus measurements of the housing and shaft they could probably get one or have one on the shelf.
Big Road Skateboard and 4noReason Thank this. -
dosgatos and Big Road Skateboard Thank this.
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