Paccar MX-13 P1514 and P1518 ALONE

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by Wrench_Rookie, Jan 8, 2025.

  1. Wrench_Rookie

    Wrench_Rookie Bobtail Member

    Jan 30, 2023
    P1514 and p1518 are the only codes. Generic codes are 4349 fmi 7 and 1787. ACM has full battery power, good grounds. DEF Doser circuit is good all the way from ACM to Doser itself. No shorts or opens. Doser reads around 11.5 ohms. Scratching my head. Scanner is saying pump is building pressure. Can hear pump running. Doser clicks w/ 12v. I actually pulled an ACM off of another truck, because only thing left is the computer, right? WRONG.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
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