Parkway Transport Inc. San Antonio Texas

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by reddove, May 13, 2015.

  1. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    I'm looking for companies to lease onto as an O/O. financing is nearly impossible even though my credit score is like 730 and I have good credit. I'll have to put a lot of money down which will take me about 4-6 months to save up for, So it looks like my best option right now is Parkway Transport Inc. in San Antonio Texas on their L/P program. They mostly do loads for H.E.B store chain, and hire only O/O. I've looked everywhere and I can't find any reviews on them besides their Facebook page. Which is almost a five. But we all know how that can be altered. If anybody works or has worked in the past for them, I would like to know if they are a good company to work for?
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  3. unloader

    unloader Road Train Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    I have seen them advertising on craigslist like clockwork. I have an app in with them and waiting to hear back from my recruiter. Oilfields have gone to #### and I need to find some decent work. I'm not to keen on going to Cali, but they do advertise Texas only runs, which is what I'm interested in. I'll offer details when I get some.

  4. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    I started orientation with them today they hire drivers who live in Texas and in OK. They have Texas only and OTR. They are owned by HEB a Texas and Mexico supermarket chain. HQ is in San Antonio Texas. They are a Reefer and Dry Van company. They hire O/O only and they have a lease program with quality carriers in Waxihachie Texas. I'm doing the lease program. They use the quallcom but only for dispatching loads so you'll be using paper logs. There were 3 rehires in class today. One of them came back because the frac sand thing burst. I'll post updates as I go along.
    tmslogistics and unloader Thank this.
  5. unloader

    unloader Road Train Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    Do you have any info on how much they pay per mile here in TX? The advertisement talks about premium pay, but only if you run to Cali and its $.95 per mile at that. Nothing about running solely in TX. Thanks for the update. Will be following this closely as my time in the oilfields is about up.

  6. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    Regular pay is .90 loaded or empty but from what the rehires told me you can get average of 3,000+ and that doesn't count the other stuff but we are talking to payroll Tuesday morning so they are going to give us the full break down.
  7. unloader

    unloader Road Train Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    Any of the rehires talk about getting home during the weekend for a 34 while running just in TX? Thanks again for the info.

  8. unloader

    unloader Road Train Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    How is orientation going reddove? Everything working out as expected? No surprises. They called and offered me orientation in their Tuesday class next week. Decisions, decisions.

  9. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    I finished orientation. It went pretty well. I'm going for the lease purchase and right now there are slim pickings as far as trucks go. The only trucks that are available at the Waxihachie Texas location are prostars and volvos. It seems like prostars are what anybody has right now. I don't want a prostars because I had one before
  10. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    stupid button posted my comments before I could finish. What I was staying is that I had too many repair issues with the prostars. So I'm just going to wait it out and keep calling the other locations until they get more trucks. You have to pay your own way to pick up the truck but the leasing company quality companies will pay for the fuel back to Texas when you get your truck. But if you have your own truck you should be ok. If you in a class with a few other people going for lease purchase you could all put your money together and go to the Texas location. Unless you want a prostar I'd advise you to wait for awhile before going to parkway.
    unloader Thanks this.
  11. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    I have to go to Fontana California to pick up my truck which is a cascadia. Quality companies who does the lease told me I don't have to worry about the hotel or transportation to the hotel. They told me since I'm coming to Fontana in the morning I be able to take the truck that same day, but I'm going to spend the night there anyway. They also put enough fuel in the tank so I can get back to Texas. I think I got hired just in time because the class next week has like 12 people. Their orientation class is normally under 10. I hope I won't have to wait too long to get my truck in service once I get back to Texas. I'll pose events as they happen.
    tmslogistics Thanks this.
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