Parkway Transport Inc. San Antonio Texas

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by reddove, May 13, 2015.

  1. unloader

    unloader Road Train Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    Are you still planning on turning the truck in and I assume walking away?

    Been so interested in your journey and it totally sucks you've had such a ####ty time with the truck issues.

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  3. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    Yeah. As soon as I find another job. I guessing a month at the most. The truck was repaired and finished today but quality carriers didn't respond to the invoice for payment by the end of the day for the shop so now I have to wait until Monday. I would of paid the $5,000 repair bill if I known it was going to take that long and had it refunded to me next week. Quality told me they got the invoice for payment at 3pm and that they were going to pay it. The shop called an hour later and said that they didn't get paid yet. I called and emailed Quality (I was on hold for over an hour). At the same time I found somebody to drive me to the shop and when I got there, they told me Quality still didn't contact them and that they were closed now. Paying them now wasn't an option because they shut the computers down already. The shop opens at 8am Monday and knowing how slow quality is everything won't be done until the afternoon. You'll be on the phone for 35 minutes to an hour every time you call Quality. Contacting them by email appears to be a little bit faster. There is no 24 hour service. This is the 4th time this truck been in the shop. Quality told me repairs have to reach 20,000 before they would give me a different truck. I don't want to take a risk on a truck that's been broken down this many times in a short period of time. I'm telling Parkway my plans Monday. I'm hoping just a little bit that something can be worked out because Parkway is a really nice company and I don't want to quit just because of truck issues. The money is there if the truck would stop breaking down.
  4. RJTrucker

    RJTrucker Bobtail Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Sorry to hear your still having problems with your truck but, how much money can you make with parkway. I'm intested in doing a lease purchase with them since the oilfield went down. I'm kind of worried about doing it because of all of the out pocket expense.
  5. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    I'm on the regional account the largest check I ever had with parkway before all the breakdowns was $2900 gross. You would have to ask parkway for more accurate numbers. I advise you not to go through quality to get a truck due to their customer service. They will cover truck repairs but it can take over a day before they pay for it and they shut down at 6 eastern time and on weekends.
    Bsmoove77 Thanks this.
  6. RJTrucker

    RJTrucker Bobtail Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Just curious on how things are going? I'm hoping that your back on the road making that money!!! I'm still debating on doing a lease purchase with parkway. What's your input??
  7. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    Wellll....The truck is in the shop again we had a rain storm last week and water leaked in the windshield...bad. And then the check engine light came on. I dropped the truck at the shop today. The lease isn't through Parkway it's through Quality Companies who are owned by Celadon. All Parkway does is take the money out of your check and give it to Quality. This week's truck payment was already deferred because of the frozen wheel bearing repair last week. Hopefully this is the end of the breakdown madness. I'm on my break right now anyway so if I can get back on the road before Friday I'll be ok. The money is there at Parkway the only thing I don't like is that $5,000 escrow (taken out $150 a week) and the fact that a lot of their OTR trailers have no brake linings on them. I wish I could give you numbers and figures but my truck been in the shop so much. If I can get through one month without breaking down I'll have more an idea. Plus I'm on their regional account. Once the truck start behaving I'll do some more OTR runs. I asked Quality companies why their customer service is so slow. They said because they don't have enough people but they are working on that problem. They are also going to try to be 24 hours instead of 6am-midnight in the future. The defections at Parkway are escrow $150 weekly, admin fee $10.00 weekly, Qualcomm $12.25 weekly, transflow $14.75 a week. Now if you get their workman's comp that is additional but I think that's like $100ish a week. Plus you have to live in Texas or Oklahoma for parkway.
  8. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    So far my gross since I started in June is $16,300 as of this week.
  9. RJTrucker

    RJTrucker Bobtail Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    I live in Corpus Christi. I am debating really hard the oilfield has gotten bad. I hoping that they will allow me get the newest truck possible.
  10. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    You can call Quality and ask for their Waxahachie location phone number and ask for what trucks they have available
  11. duke8076

    duke8076 Bobtail Member

    Jul 7, 2013
    I started to lease/purchase a International Prostar from Quality in Waxehachie and work for Forward Air,I had read your posts about the trouble you had with the one you leased..I left the yard went to Laporte,Tx. the next morning while waiting on my first load the check engine light came on and the engine started surging..It went into the shop I decided the risk was more than I wanted to screw with..Quality paid the $2,300 but I would of if the 30 days was over with plus the 3 days of no work..
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