Hi, can anybody tell me where i can buy pc miler. also is this a good system,or is there a beter system out there not realy concerened about the cost-i just want the best system i can get. thank you.
I would also like to give my thanks for this site. you give the answer's i am afraid to ask. i just started driving truck a few months ago,but am not new to trucking. my dad is an ic with 47 trucks and i have no idea how many trailers( i am not going to tell the name of the company because i do not want to get kicked out. Let me just i am not a recuiter and never will be. I do not drive for him, which is why i like this site ( i don't have to ask him question's).
Discussion in 'Trucking Electronics, Gadgets and Software Forum' started by redrocker1055, Dec 1, 2006.
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Hi Sammy,
PC Miler is way over priced but it is the best routing software out there. I'm sure your dad can get you copy............ -
Thank you kcorey, he told me it was the best, i just wanted a seconed opion. btw you a sammy fan?
Doesn't everybody like Sammy?
I have met a few that did not like him.( i just dismiss them as bad people and move on lol) I can tell you one thing i have been to over two hundred shows and have played in a band since i was sixteen, I myself can not nor can any other act i have seen hold his mirco phone when it comes to a live show from sammy. thats why i have seen him 11 times.
thanks..... -
WOW! He is not that good..........Stevie Nicks yes, Sammy no........LOL
We use PC Miler with the Haz Mat, Over sized and over dimensional street level routing. It is one of the few programs that the states will accept the miles from on your road use tax. The best in MHO
pc miler is not available for free with the usage of the flying j;s wi fi i believe it is just an online version though
i think every trucker that gets paid according to p.c. miler should download it on your laptop so you can make sure you are not getting ripped off by your company.it is a very good program and is fairly easy to use.the downside is that it is very expensive but in my opinion is worth it in the long run. if your an owner-operater you can use it to figure your road tax.this program is a must have for anyone behind the wheel.my favorite "red rocker" song is "trans-am-highway wonderland" and most everything he did with montrose.:smt023
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