Personal dispatch services

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Roadrunner26, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. W900AOwner

    W900AOwner Heavy Load Member

    Jul 2, 2014
    I have a gal that does my personal dispatching, I've promoted her a couple times on this site but for some reason everybody seems to be making so much money and doing so well, they don't need her services.

    Well, I'll admit, that's not the case with me. But she's worked for me for about 3 months, I'm completely satisfied with her, she's aggressive with the brokers, gets me maximum $$$ on each load, (I average above average money,) so far I've had almost zero deadhead miles with her watching the boards, and I can concentrate on what I do rather than screw around on a laptop for half a day.

    She finds, negotiates and books loads for me, signs and returns rate con's and deals with way more than any other "dispatcher" does, because she's a go-getter and cares about her clients. I've had her help me out with oversize load permitting, etc. and she does it with a smile. You won't get that with the others.

    If you're interested PM me and I'll hook you up.

    Oh, and she charges 7%, and like I said, does above and beyond just the dispatching.

    Here's the latest load she got me booked on, from North Charleston, SC up to Fort Drum, NY. 975 miles...$3,000.00. (I blanked out the pertinent information and actual names on the rate confirmation to protect the innocent...) It's in black & white for you to see, rather than just hear another story.

    The one that brought me down to North Charleston from Chambersburg, Pa. was a $1,350.00 load for 600 miles, but I deadheaded a whopping 11 miles to get it after I unloaded Monday morning in North Charleston, SC.

    I did an average of $13,000.00 in 14 days the past two weeks using this gal. And that's partially because I had a couple in the mix that I didn't use her for, that were my own direct contacts and got a check upon delivery, upping that bottom number substantially more than that actually. The proof's in the pudding guys and gals. She loads dry vans, flatbeds and even reefers but admits those rates (reefers) are in the toilet right now on the boards. Van freight's actually more abundant and pays better, with less hassles than a reefer unfortunately. Times have changed.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
    Joe Dan, TallJoe, nax and 3 others Thank this.
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  3. hannad

    hannad Bobtail Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    10% is kinda high and a guarantee of 2.00 per mile, good luck.
  4. Tepabo

    Tepabo Bobtail Member

    Jan 20, 2013
    W900AOwner, I would be interested in discussing her dispatching services. If you don't mind, could you please send me her contact information at I appreciate the help driver. Stay safe out there. Ted.
  5. wheelbase

    wheelbase Bobtail Member

    Nov 6, 2016
  6. wheelbase

    wheelbase Bobtail Member

    Nov 6, 2016
    I am interested in getting in contact with your personal dispatcher. Please send me her contact information, or email me at Thank you for your help. Tim
    W900AOwner and Douggood00 Thank this.
  7. Gsumostwanted

    Gsumostwanted Bobtail Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    Please forward dispatch info to
    W900AOwner Thanks this.
  8. W900AOwner

    W900AOwner Heavy Load Member

    Jul 2, 2014

    I emailed you her information Tim...Good luck. I brought several more owner op's to her in the last month that needed help, they love her.
  9. W900AOwner

    W900AOwner Heavy Load Member

    Jul 2, 2014

    Done. I emailed you the information just now.
  10. dlstruck

    dlstruck Medium Load Member

    Sep 8, 2016
    Does she do all 48 or just East? I'm getting a second truck so I think I'll be needing some help finding loads and dispatching.
  11. W900AOwner

    W900AOwner Heavy Load Member

    Jul 2, 2014
    All 48...she's located in Oregon and still serves me well over on the east coast.
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