Personal dispatch services

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Roadrunner26, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. sjmay

    sjmay Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2011
    Agree to a point, can't agree fully, you would put me out of business lol. But for example, the guy I work with, trusts me to run his truck, it makes it easier, I know what he likes to run, I get the best price for him, if there's any question, I call him.

    When I started with him, he had three trucks, and a new driver to contend with, looking back, if he didn't have that, he would probably be dispatching himself, but he has other business interests as well, so this kind of arrangement works for him.

    I can see your point of view as well, and you are right, the rules are not always rigid, but I should have said guidelines, the word escaped me last time lol
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  3. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    I understand you dispatch trucks and that is your business, heck I have even considered doing it myself, I just don't understand why it is so difficult for these guys with one truck to find loads. I don't envy the job. I was there once, Bill's wife looking for my loads and Bill too at times, and me turning down loads left and right lol... Bill's trucking experience itself is a plus but he still thinks differently than I do about loads. If I let him he'd dispatch me all over the lower 48 lol no telling when I'd go home, can;t have that lol....
    bbblotliz Thanks this.
  4. sjmay

    sjmay Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2011
    LOL that is one thing that killed me, I had a driver I was working with once, wanted to hear every load, well ok, fine, but most brokers that's gonna be gone by the time I call back, so I go ahead and run every load by him, 5 out of 6 loads that he wanted were gone by the time I called back, one time, he rejected a load that I found, then found a load going to the same place, same weight, same times, for less money, I told the owner about that one and that was the last time he rejected a load from me lol.

    As far as home time, the guy I work with now basically tells me whenever he wants to head home and we make it happen, other than that, he is happy to be out on the road for months...
  5. RedForeman

    RedForeman Momentum Conservationist

    Jan 30, 2011
    Yeah but then look at the bright side. You'd be able to make the trip at 54 mph and save a ton of money on fuel.
  6. jess-juju

    jess-juju Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2008
    Shelbyville TN
    Just like being in California all the time @ Rollin:biggrin_2559:
  7. sjmay

    sjmay Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2011
    Nothing wrong with California, good thing about the smog is that it stops the flying air particles....
  8. BigBadBill

    BigBadBill Bullishly Optimistic

    Oct 2, 2010
    Chattanooga, TN
    Yeah, I'm right and you're wrong.

    Compared to now when there is not telling when you may actually roll.
    bbblotliz Thanks this.
  9. LSAgentOZR

    LSAgentOZR Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    +1 point for Bill.:biggrin_2559:
  10. FAT_CAT

    FAT_CAT Bobtail Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Hello Rickybobby,

    I am looking to get back into the trucking business as an O/O, and was wondering you can suggest any dispatch service provider for me. Thank you very much.
  11. bbblotliz

    bbblotliz Light Load Member

    Oct 7, 2011
    Chattanooga, TN

    Never. ;-)
    rollin coal and BigBadBill Thank this.
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