Pohl Transportation

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Mama2000, Oct 30, 2024.

  1. Mama2000

    Mama2000 Bobtail Member

    Nov 7, 2019
    This company is pitiful quit because poor miles or money and they hold your last check..they don't have anything to offer in the industry..if you apply here you will probably abandon their truck somewhere like they have drivers doing every week..WOW..I don't see them in business very long
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  3. Mama2000

    Mama2000 Bobtail Member

    Nov 7, 2019
    Lies at every level..holding driver last check when you quit because very poor miles and money..they are crooked.
  4. TB John

    TB John Company Shill of BYOB & CBD

    Dec 28, 2008
    You added to 1 thread and started 2 new ones about Pohl. We get it, they're not a good company to work for. A more comprehensive explanation is in order. We need @Lonesome to help with his 3 word interrogation!
  5. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    How long did you work for them? My curiosity looms.....
  6. 88 Alpha

    88 Alpha Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 12, 2012
    SouthEast Alabama
    I merged the OP's threads. Just one of them is needed to make the point.
  7. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    When Mama speaks, folks better listen!! @Mama2000, "Care to Elaborate?"
    hotrod1653, MACK E-6, Opus and 5 others Thank this.
  8. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    I know this is sorda irrelevant, but I remember talking to someone on the CB one time. That was the rudest, meanest most vile SOB I've ever dealt with. He never did see me, but I found him, in a Pohl truck. He sounded absolutely miserable. He was endlessly #####ing about something some other driver did that he took as a personal insult to him or something. When I saw him in his truck I told him "Shutup, Pohl." He mumbled something and then shut up. Funny how once a driver has been identified, the anonymity of the CB suddenly disappears and he shuts up.

    Now every time I see a Pohl truck I say out loud "Shutup, Pohl."

    I was reading their indeed reviews. They seem suspect, as they are pretty much ALL either 5 star "this company is the second coming of Jesus" or 1 star "this company couldn't suck worse if it tried." I find that strange, as most drivers are not totally 5 star or 1 star people. Most reviews of my company are 2-4 stars.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2024
    mjd4277, TB John and FearTheCorn Thank this.
  9. Frank Speak

    Frank Speak Road Train Member

    May 3, 2016
    The lesson here, for newbs, is to ALWAYS get your last check and clean out your truck BEFORE you quit.
    hotrod1653, TNSnowman, TB John and 5 others Thank this.
  10. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    Can't do that with most companies. Every company I ever drove for was 1-2 paychecks behind in paying you at all times. Basically your last paycheck is always in "escrow". So you can clean out your truck, but you'll never get your last paycheck while still employed. At least not anywhere I know.
  11. Frank Speak

    Frank Speak Road Train Member

    May 3, 2016
    Yes you can. They either pay weekly, or bi-weekly. If they owe you money, they are obligated to pay you on pay day. You just have to plan your exit, keeping payday in mind. And, you can always prolong off time if needed by being sick, or a death in the family, etc… Again, just have to plan.

    I’m retired now, but I only quit one job without having all of my money, and that’s because I knew that company didn’t play games.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
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