Private carrier-seeking MC authority?

Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by DelishMichFish, Dec 6, 2024.

  1. DelishMichFish

    DelishMichFish Bobtail Member

    Dec 6, 2024
    If we are currently not for hire (only hauling our product) but we want to start accepting contract loads, what does that change with ICC/USDOT regs?

    I am already required to use an ELD as I cross state lines and travel over 150 miles occasionally.

    This is for box truck 25999 gvwr.
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  3. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    You need an authority to run interstate.
    Bean Jr. Thanks this.
  4. brian991219

    brian991219 Road Train Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Lords Valley, PA
    Absolutely nothing except you will have to file an OP-1, application for interstate motor carrier authority and have your insurance carrier update your policy to meet for-hire guidelines so they can file the MCS-90 bond with the FMCSA.

    There will be a waiting period of 21-28 days before the authority is active, and you will need to have the insurance filed before authority will go active.

    Lastly, make sure you also have cargo insurance to cover the value of what you are hauling as most private carriers do not have a specific cargo policy since they own the cargo being hauled.

    Also, some states may require seperate intrastate operating authority for motor carriers based in those states to engage in intrastate for-hire transportation. Example, my home state of PA requires me, because I am based here, to have a seperate PA PUC number for my intrastate authority but my buddy John, who is based in NJ, can come haul local loads in PA all day long with nothing more than his US DOT/MC number and paid UCR (which everyone with a US DOT number has to pay anyway).
  5. Accidental Trucker

    Accidental Trucker Road Train Member

    Jun 4, 2015
    Just for completeness, certain commodities are exempt from the MC requirement.
  6. wis bang

    wis bang Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2011
    Levittown, PA
    There also can be state specific items; for example the Non-cdl truck is still responsible for NY Highway Use Tax [HUT] and Connecticut just added one too and there are a couple western states with their own extra taxes too.

    Call your local state motor truck association for the number of someone local who can help.
    brian991219 Thanks this.
  7. wis bang

    wis bang Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2011
    Levittown, PA
    All good stuff here!

    The intrastate authority has some exceptions. any shipment that is a continuation of an interstate shipment can be done without PA PUC authority which is how his buddy John could have done some intra-pa before the rules changed. Waaay back everyone needed PA PUC even when not a PA based carrier. Liquids loaded from a tank farm supplied by ship or rail and intermodal containers were hauled without PUC numbers.
    brian991219 Thanks this.
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