PTDI Standards for Driving Hours.

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Light Traveler, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Light Traveler

    Light Traveler Light Load Member

    Feb 5, 2007
    Somewhere out there...
    According to PTDI's website, entry level students are
    only required to drive a minumum of 44 hours. Yet,
    the mandated classroom time is 104 hours, which are
    spent on talking and watching videos. I've read
    several complaints on this forum from recent grads,
    about the deficiency of their training, which made them
    (graduates) reluctant when test driving for a company.
    Should PTDI reevaluate the standards or is this
    information incorrect and/or outdated?

    Instructional Time
    q Does each student receive at least 104 (60-minute) hours in classroom and lab time? (Lab includes time on the range under the supervision of an instructor. Observation time does not count as instructional time.)
    q Does each student receive at least 44 (60-minute) hours of actual behind-the-wheel time? (This is time with hands actually on the wheel, with at least 12 hours on the range and 12 on the road and the other 20 hours on either.)
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  3. panhandlepat

    panhandlepat Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    you should re-do this post as a poll light traveler.
    good posting !!!!!
  4. Light Traveler

    Light Traveler Light Load Member

    Feb 5, 2007
    Somewhere out there...
    Thanx Panhandlepat. By goodness, I think I will.
  5. panhandlepat

    panhandlepat Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2007
  6. tdc

    tdc Bobtail Member

    Jan 22, 2007
    That's a very relevant question IMHO. Great post!
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