Quality Logistics out of Englewood, CO

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by NerdTrucker, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. NerdTrucker

    NerdTrucker Bobtail Member

    May 25, 2016
    If you’ve been trucking for awhile, you know there’s 4 classes of trucking companies: Class 1 is the training companies like Swift and CR, without dedicated lanes. Not the best pay, but a lot of support. Class 0 is worse: the fraudulent companies that screw you out of money. Class 2 are the companies that take some experience, that offer more, like Crete carrier, drivers here still try to hire other drivers. Class 3 are the best of the best, companies where the drivers will not tell you about them, because they value them that much.

    My health just compelled me to leave a class 3 company, Quality logistics out of Denver. This superb company offers .70 cpm, stop pay and high miles while coddling their drivers with only daytime dry van driving. The team there is diverse and non judgmental, very cool people. Everyone is welcome. However it runs lean, like most Class 3 trucking companies: You need to have some experience with things like replacing a headlight, as management is not there to help train you, like Swift. You need to know what you are doing. But if you have a few years under your belt and live in the zone where they hire, definitely check them out. This is an excellent company you will want to keep to your self unless you leave for other reasons like me.
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  3. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Can't wait till the detective novel comes out - sounds intriguing.
    Deadhead-er Thanks this.
  4. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014

    Great review. Thanks and good luck to you.
  5. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    Sounds like one of those quiet little companies that just chugs along quietly year after year and never raises a fuss. They have it figured out, don't over-play their hand, don't over extend and when somebody mentions them the response is usually "Who? Oh yeah, them. Man, they've been around a long time but nobody seems to know much about them".
    LOL...I can think of half a dozen little companies like that. They don't get there fast but they get there every time.
    Deadhead-er and Magoo1968 Thank this.
  6. NerdTrucker

    NerdTrucker Bobtail Member

    May 25, 2016
    Dumb people like me don’t know the details, but .70 cpm is .70 cpm, non judgement for LGBTQ/white/black/Latino people is what it is, compassion is what it is. I think this is a good company and I’m not afraid to say so.
  7. NerdTrucker

    NerdTrucker Bobtail Member

    May 25, 2016
    Yep. The folks who make the world go around don’t always have the money for big influence campaigns, but when it really matters there they are. I’m sure there are a lot of companies like this, I’m not ashamed to call them out the ones I know here for truckers who want to be part of a good thing.
  8. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    Most of them probably don't want or need the attention. We've never had to advertise for drivers and most of the good outfits are that way. Good drivers and good mechanics find their way here.
    The last thing in the world most of us want is a parade of marginally qualified people looking for a job that they would have no hope of getting.
    LOL...We rent out part of our yard as a drop yard for some of the mega freight outfits. If I need a reminder about poorly trained and under qualified drivers I can drag my chair out on the porch and watch the mega drivers do drop and hooks. Makes me appreciate our guys.
    NerdTrucker Thanks this.
  9. NerdTrucker

    NerdTrucker Bobtail Member

    May 25, 2016
    yep. Lot of companies like that. Still, as a trucker I gotta identify these class 3 companies for other truckers, so they can know this is out there and where to find it, so they can know it gets better than the Megas. The trucking story has a happy ending, but only if people know where to look. Other drivers may be angry I opened my mouth, but I only am putting it out there for another to take my place, as I step out.
  10. RubberDuck473

    RubberDuck473 Light Load Member

    May 2, 2021
    There's a feller on the YouTube has a channel called Riding Shotgun that drives for this outfit. Lots of videos of pov mountain snow driving with commentary. Pretty interesting.
  11. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    What's the 4th class?
    Deadhead-er Thanks this.
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