Question about Companies

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by knotreeltight, Dec 8, 2006.

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  1. knotreeltight

    knotreeltight Bobtail Member

    Dec 8, 2006
    Hello All,

    I am new to the board but have been lurking around here for awhile and have learned quite a bit from all the posts here.....

    I had a question about a couple of companies. The first one being......Does it usually take a couple of months to get a foot in the door w/ Maverick? Secondly......Does anyone have any info about Southern Refridgerated Transport (SRT)? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,

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  3. devildice

    devildice Light Load Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    What do you want to know about SRT? I have never driven for them but have spoken to 2 of thier drivers and have some infor from one of the recruiters.
  4. luvmyhubby

    luvmyhubby Road Train Member

    Sep 12, 2005
    Sidney MI

    I might listen to what 2 different drivers had to say about a company but NOT a recruiter....all they see are dollar signs when they talk to anyone about their company...."knot" try looking these two companies up by doing a search on the forum....just type in their names in the search box and it will bring up anythreads with them in listed. I am sure you will get more responses as members have time to check the board for new posts....
  5. NannyB

    NannyB Light Load Member

    Aug 31, 2006
    Greenville, Texas
    Thank you for finally joining us..First and formose I want to Welcome you. and hope you find the answers and some new friends while your here again Welcome to the greatest truckers sight on the Web...:occasion7:
  6. knotreeltight

    knotreeltight Bobtail Member

    Dec 8, 2006
    I've spoken to a SRT recruiter Friday, but just want to know if any of yawl out there have any experience with the company, if they're good to work for, etc. I am thinking of training/working for them...
    Any info you I can get that's not from their website or what a recruiter has to say would really help me out.
    Got any other suggestions on companies that train? I am not located near a school and don't have the funds to pay for the
    school + traveling expenses, etc. Looking for a good company that I can train/work for that won't screw me around....
    Thanks alot!!
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