Questions list For new drivers.

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by trucking for family, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. trucking777

    trucking777 Bobtail Member

    Sep 19, 2023
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  3. Sir_Trucks2021

    Sir_Trucks2021 Light Load Member

    Oct 13, 2021
    Truck interview questions

    • 1&2. How does your carrier handle raises? When and how can I expect a raise?
    • 3. What types of benefits do you offer?
    • 4. How long do benefits take to kick in?
    • 5. Are there any bonuses for safety, fuel, sign-on, performance, driver referral, etc.?
    • 6. Does your carrier offer detention pay?
    • 7. What are the details of your home time policy? PTO, sick time, vacation?
    • 8. What kind of freight do you haul?
    • 9. In which states do you operate? What kind of runs do you have?
    • 10. How do you calculate driver miles?
    • 11. What is the average length of load?
    • 12. What is the average number of miles per tractor?
    • 13. How many terminals does the company have and where are they located?
    • 14. How much of your freight is drop and hook?
    • 15. Are drivers required to physically unload freight?
    • 16. Is there forced dispatch?
    • 18. What types of truck does the company use? How old are they?
    • 19. Am I expected to take care of truck maintenance?
    • 20. Are drivers able to take equipment home with them during home time?
    • 21. What amenities do the trucks come with? Refrigerators? Single or double bunks?
    • 22. Is there slip seating?
    • 23. How many employees does the company have? How many drivers?
    • 24. What is the ratio of driver managers or load planners to drivers?
    • 25. What is the company’s turnover rate?
    • 26. How many empty or idle trucks do you have right now?
    • 27. How long has the average driver been with the company?
    • 28. What is the passenger policy? The pet policy?
    • 29. How would you describe the company’s culture?
    • 30. Am I able to talk to a current driver about their experience with your carrier?
    • 31.How does your carrier pay? What is the max rate of pay for drivers?
    • 32.Break down pay?

    • Good luck and remember your the asset , they need you .
  4. Kimia2005

    Kimia2005 Bobtail Member

    Aug 24, 2021
    1- Driver logs are governed by: *
    a. Federal Department of Transportation
    b. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
    c. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

    2- logs must be: *
    a. Updated to the last midnight
    b. Current to the last change of duty status
    c. In your possession for the last 7 days
    d. Both b & c
    3- you are "off duty" from October 28th until November 3rd. You may: *
    a. Combine all days on one log page
    b. Fill out a log for each day off
    c. Fill out 1 log for October and 1 log for November
    d. Not fill out any logs at all
    e Both b & c
  5. jodyj54

    jodyj54 Light Load Member

    Mar 15, 2018
    Should ask about area of operations, withholding pay, in -cab cameras, truck speed, unmentioned deductions, detention and layover pay, insurance, miles per week, reimbursement for travel/motel, sign-on bonus, and remember, if they pay by percentage, you may be deadheading for free on every pickup.
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