Review of Poly Trucking

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Triumph, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. WisconsinF150

    WisconsinF150 Light Load Member

    Dec 21, 2014

    Thank you. Poly is one of 3 companies I'm looking at.

    Previous thread said their trucks are old and break down a lot.

    My own research shows they have all new trucks. Internationals with those tri-pacs.

    No E-Z pass or pre-pass though. Old style 5th wheel release. Can't just flip switch in tractor.
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  3. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    International's...2010-2015. There is only 1 year with diesel powered APU's, and most of those don't run. The rest are battery powered HVAC systems, and no real idle restrictions (they only question it if your mpg's get really low) No EZ-Pass, but if you want to pay for Prepass, they allow it to be assigned to your truck. 5th wheel release is the manual, but the 5th wheel slide is switched from the dash. All air-ride trailers, which is a rarity for fleets now a-days. Not to many companies use air-release 5th wheels. I owned a truck that had it, but it didn't I turned it into a tail-gator window washer.
  4. maninthemoon1

    maninthemoon1 Medium Load Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Garrison ky
    I figured it to be 0.37% less on my hub than my OD. well less that one half of 1% of.
  5. maninthemoon1

    maninthemoon1 Medium Load Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Garrison ky
    Triumph , I guess my biggest pro for Poly is your biggest con actually , it seems your upset with the lack of support , while I actually love the fact that they trust I know what I'm doing and leave me alone ! Too many micromanaging companies out there that seem to want to drive your truck from their desks. And think they can do it day and night through a qcom that never stops waking you up ! CRETE perfect example Shaffer , Koch , even Jevic , but with Jevic , it wasn't micromanaging it was Dispatchers with their head buried deep between their cheeks so long a suction formed making it impossible for them to extract it !
  6. maninthemoon1

    maninthemoon1 Medium Load Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Garrison ky
    Actually , i was a bit harsh on Jevic dispatchers , I have to remember there were 2 that were a bad as bad can achieve , it just seemed like I was at the cutting edge of their swords 3 days out of 5 for 7.5yrs til they closed up.
  7. maninthemoon1

    maninthemoon1 Medium Load Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Garrison ky
    Paid Hub miles , and I got wind a couple weeks ago, there are drivers that put their Bobtail miles to eat when they leave the yard on their next trip. If this is the case and Poly has no issue as long as your overages stays 10% or less , I have been screwing my self blind ! This be the case ... dam it cause I'm sure that's worth a couple grand a year ! I just have a hard time doing that , and if it's okay I should do it without conscience , for sure. Last thing I ever want to do is participate in the very thing that ruins the HUB pay though !
  8. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Amen....if all of us abused their generosity and ran it to the 10% maxx most of the time, they would change it to practical...I do it accurate, and after my deal with my mileage issue around Thanksgiving(where I was overdue for service and I screwed with it just to be able to leave the yard and come back in the morning to see the shop)...I am sure they watched me for a while after that.
  9. againstthewind

    againstthewind Road Train Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    the hometime is the only thing keeping me here at this point
  10. Csnemrod

    Csnemrod Light Load Member

    Jul 14, 2015
    What is their hometime? I called recruiting but it an answering machine.. it wants me to fill out an application before i talk to a recruiter. . Isnt that like running ur credit report b4 you know if you even going to buy a car?
    Diaper Rash Thanks this.
  11. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Did you visit their website,maybe then have a form for any questions you may have.
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