Roehl Transport, Inc. - Marshfield, Wi.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by cory, May 4, 2005.

  1. Road Dog

    Road Dog Medium Load Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Bbqribs.No I am not a trainer.I am an older driver who came back to driving after being retired for a few years.I dont think I have the patience to be a trainer,and I admire anyone who does.Right now I am driving truck 7590,every other week.So if you ever see 7590 with an old guy driving come on over and say hello.Good luck at Roehl.
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  3. Road Dog

    Road Dog Medium Load Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Hey Whistler,also keep an eye out for 7590,which I drive every other week.If you see 7590 with an older guy driving it thats gotta be me.I met up with Whispers hubby one time at a Truck Stop in 5711 and had a nice chat with him.:thumbleft:
  4. hawkeye42799

    hawkeye42799 Light Load Member

    Jan 28, 2007
    they have been in bussness since 1962 i get postcards with there pay rates on them asking me to come and drive for them but and yes there is a but...........due to me being stupid i cannot go into canada anyway my dad is from marshfield orginally and before my grandparents passed away i would go up there and just sit on the corner and watch there trucks go by me and i would wave or try to get them to blast there air horn as a kid as an adult with my cdl now i have only seen and heard good things about them and if i did not do what i did i would have started working for them long ago but i do wish you luck with them and i personally think you will be happy

  5. Road Dog

    Road Dog Medium Load Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    I have been driving for Roehl for about six months now.They are a very driver friendly co.They have always been up front with me.Any issues I ever had with them I took care of thru my dispatcher,(DSR).I am on the 7 on 7 off program,and I average right around 3100 to 3300 miles a week,(7 days out)I dont know for sure what their pay rate is for an inexperienced driver,but I think it is right around $.30.a mile.I would reccomend them to anyone.
  6. BBQribs68

    BBQribs68 Bobtail Member

    Jan 14, 2007
    Thanks...I'll keep an eye out for ya!
  7. whispers65233

    whispers65233 Medium Load Member

    Mar 3, 2006
    Boonville, MO
    My husband drives for Roehl. He is in the National Fleet and he brings his truck home. As far as the mileage goes, he has no complaints there. Freight is slow this time of the year. He averages between 2200-2500 now but before the slow down he was getting 2700-3000. Roehl has a Christmas bonus in addition to the safety bonuses. My husband started with them on April 22, 2006 and in Dec he got a $750.00 Christmas bonus. We are very satisfied with Roehl.
  8. MedicineMan

    MedicineMan Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2007
    Woodville, TX
    I'v been talkign with ROehl too. I'v been driving over 12 years and have owned trucks before. I like them alot. I was trying to get on the 7/7 program. I'm in the process of selling my house in WI to move to TX and wanted to run out of there terminal there but I'm moving to the Beaumont TX area which is like 4 hr+ from the terminal and they wanted me within 3 hours so I don't think it will work. They did offer me the option to come on board but said I would have to take a 10 hour off break at the terminal before I could leave out because my drive there was so long. Not a bad option but it kinda makes the 7/7 into a 8/6 with no more pay. I'm still considering it though
  9. timbo356

    timbo356 Bobtail Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    Good to hear good things about Roehl. I just finished RDTC and I'm meeting my evo 1 trainer tomorrow. I'm all packed and ready to go, and since I live at the junction of 3 interstates (Nashville) he's picking me up barely a mile from my house. That's a short commute if there ever was one!
    Anywho, again, thanks for the good update. Makes me feel like I've made a good decision.
  10. javajunky

    javajunky Bobtail Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    timbo356,are you van driver or flatbed?
  11. Whistler

    Whistler Bobtail Member

    Nov 15, 2006
    Hey, Dog.
    I'll keep my eyes peeled for your tractor. Still waiting for my second evolution trainer to contact me. Been five days at home. I like it here, but it's time to get this finished up. Hopefully I'll see you out there.
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