Roehl Transport, Inc. - Marshfield, Wi.

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Cocky, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. Archer#6

    Archer#6 Bobtail Member

    Mar 7, 2013
    Thank you Moriati for the info
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  3. Bayle

    Bayle Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Still correct.
    Archer#6 Thanks this.
  4. happywife

    happywife Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2013
    My husband has worked for Roehl Transport starting his 34th year. They do have a driving school with excellent teachers. If you have any questions just call them, and I know they will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
  5. happywife

    happywife Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2013
    I think the reason they don't hire with someone that has a felony, is they can't go to Canada. Also they do have ex-military and retired military working for them. They also put a special sticker on the truck when you have served our Country in the Military.
  6. happywife

    happywife Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2013
    My husband started with Roehl Transport in June of 1979. He is happy with the company and has never complained. He has never had a late load, cargo claim, and has always been respectful to his dispatchers. You need to follow the chain of command to get a issue resolved. They also do correct your pay if it is there mistake. They do have rules and you need to follow them. They have rules for your protection as well as the companies protection. They want all drivers to be safe on the road, and you have good equipment to run. Some drivers don't check in there trailers when they come through the yard, that is the only issue my husband has. But that is not with the company, but fellow drivers that don't take the time to do what is expected of them. My husband has had to sit at the yard with a trailer being repaired several times because of drivers not following protocol. When he wants to start early and then has to sit and correct someone elses lack of responsibility at their job. The longest was probably 6-8 hours of repair work on a trailer that was dropped at a loading site. He picks it up and the trailer has problems because of another driver not checking it in. But the company is a great company to work for, but they want to hire the best to keep their values and quality at the top of the industry.
  7. SmokinBoles

    SmokinBoles Medium Load Member

    Jun 7, 2013
    Seville, OH
    REEFER or Dry Van 7/7 with Roehl? WHich is best and why? Thanks for your advice...
  8. happywife

    happywife Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2013
    My husband has driven for Roehl starting his 34th year. They send his new load to our email and he prints directions off of our computer, also maps. It is the drivers responsibility to get his directions, or have them sent to the truck. Also drivers in the drivers room waiting for their trucks or next dispatch will also help you. Many of them have been where you may be heading, they will give you the best route into your destination. My husband has been happy with his choice with Roehl, I have never heard him once cut the company. Every company is going to have things that aren't perfect, but you have to look at the overall with each company. I have been to the drivers room at Roehl Marshfield terminal. The drivers are truly a great bunch of men and women that I have met.
  9. OneLastTime

    OneLastTime Bobtail Member

    Jun 12, 2007
    Oh Lord one of the Stepford Wives survived... Apparently one of the husbands too! 34 years and no complaints? lol I've only been here 6 but I'll give you the honest lowdown.The good, the bad and the ugly if you're interested.
  10. SmokinBoles

    SmokinBoles Medium Load Member

    Jun 7, 2013
    Seville, OH
    Thats what I would like to hear! PM me your advice etc.. Thanks
  11. tallpaulslady

    tallpaulslady Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2013
    My man loves driving for Roehl. Yes, they are strict on safety....this is a good thing. We have had no complaints and he has no reason to leave them.
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