S semi truck chain reaction accident I-70 Illinois

Discussion in 'Trucking Accidents' started by Studebaker Hawk, Oct 28, 2024.

  1. Studebaker Hawk

    Studebaker Hawk Road Train Member

    Oct 18, 2010
    NW Indiana
    Flat Earth Trucker Thanks this.
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  3. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    Well that’s a good question, but whoever it was didn’t do a very good job at it. They completely didn’t do the white ones on the one picture, and the red truck if you zoom in you can see right thru the censor attempt.
  4. Sirscrapntruckalot

    Sirscrapntruckalot Road Train Member

    Looking at other articles it looks like CDL LIfe. No caption for the photos giving credit.

    Other articles have the same crappy edit job.

    Granted one was a license plate of a wreck, but it was a similar bad edit. Someone needs to take a class in photoshop.

    Wonder if CDL Life is making some money on the side, or....?

    More questions than answers!

    I love a good mystery. Someone ask on their facebook and twitter.

    Sirscrapntruckalot -
  5. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
    I made out Clover,SRT Inc and that’s it.
    CDL Life must’ve been doing damage control,but they failed-miserably!
  6. FearTheCorn

    FearTheCorn Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2019
    Maybe they were governed trucks. It is my experience that when those guys get to places like construction zones, they can keep up speed, and even try to pass other trucks. Letting their hair blow in the wind, wild and free. Happens a lot on 287. Raider Express will rumble along at whatever dangerous low speed they are governed at, but go through the towns at the same exact speed.
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