S60 low power

Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by JimmyB, Nov 30, 2024.

  1. JimmyB

    JimmyB Bobtail Member

    Nov 30, 2024
    New member here, wife suggested I post.

    2005 Freightliner Columbia 120
    Detroit Series 60 (2018 factory reman engine)
    Eaton 10 speed
    Last 6: U22121
    Back in August I was driving in NM and felt something different with the truck, a hesitation or a stutter, and it started blowing heavy black smoke and we had trouble picking up speed and really noticed a loss of power on even the smallest hills.
    New injector cups fixed the smoke but it's been to two Freightliner shops and they can't figure out the power loss (even though together they charged me over 18k).

    Fuel pump, compression, turbo, fuel check valve, CAC, EGR Vpod all checked. No fuel contamination, fuel lines, and timing good.

    Anything we missed?
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  3. little cat 500

    little cat 500 Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2010
    Abbottstown PA
    how heavy are you pulling ?what's the hp rating
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