Safety means nothing to CRE

Discussion in 'CR England' started by CRE Truth, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. CRE Truth

    CRE Truth Bobtail Member

    Jul 8, 2011
    Savannah, Ga
    CRE made alot of statements about 'safety being first priority' yet my wife was told to get on a truck with a male trainer and another female student. When we asked questions (in a polite way the whole time) they told us she would be sleeping on the floor or in bed with one of the others on the truck to get her SB time. Additionaly the students could not be logged into the QUALCOMM at the same time, so one of them would be logged out and the other logged in the whole time.
    The more we persisted the more upset the coordinators got. She was docked pay for the entire two weeks she was there, and eventualy we were told to leave. Keep in mind we have recordings of every conversation to prove we NEVER were rude or unruley.
    The incident of ours ended with us leaving the company (Tuesday July 5th). On my DAC it says we wete aggressive and a liability, which is documented to be total lies. I contacted my instructors and trainers and EVERY ONE of them spoke on my behalf as a character reference, to no avail.
    Although I'm not a person that has worked for a bunch of companies, I too believe CR England to be the worst company out there. Two students were killed in the last 45 days do to thier carelessness and greed. They are proven liers, and even the DOT inspector has declaired them unsafe recently (its why your prepasses dont work and you are mandated to stop at 100% of all weigh stations).
    By any means, if you don't believe me please contact me directly. I have sound bits and other documentation. Just need your email to share with you.
    This company has turned to crap in record time.
    Most the students I know would be happy to tell you how they are in unsafe conditions too, provided CRE would fire them and ruin their DAC.
    dave26027 Thanks this.
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  3. wplezotte

    wplezotte Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    You are absolutely correct! Thieves and liars, only interested in the 10K they get from the government every time a student passes Phase 1 training (plus the 4K) they pay for school. It is a student mill. I was a CRE trainer for 2 years up until 6 months ago. You are right! See my post CR England "beware" for more information.
    dave26027 and CRE Truth Thank this.
  4. Meltom

    Meltom Road Train Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    So the unsafe part was 3 people in the truck right?
  5. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    How is that unsafe? My wife and I trained in phase 1 on the same truck. It all depends on the trainer and the situation.
    THBatMan8 Thanks this.
  6. walstib

    walstib Darkstar

    I read this type of stuff a lot but I don't go for it...They make way more than that on a well run truck without having to go thru so many newbies...I mean it may be true but it doesn't make sense to me....
  7. Meltom

    Meltom Road Train Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    Beats me, I'm just trying to figure out where safety comes into the picture
  8. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    Well, as I said, it depends on the situation. With my wife and I, we shared the bottom bunk while the trainer was up top. Of course, this was during the few times we had to sit.
  9. CRE Truth

    CRE Truth Bobtail Member

    Jul 8, 2011
    Savannah, Ga
    You would have to be brain damaged not to see where sleeping on the floor of a moving truck with no restraints wouldnt be a safety issue. Or how having more people driving the truck than can be account for. Or having two female students and one male trainer share beds when they are married is imoral. Amonst all this, how does someone get proper rest?
    If you dont think it sounds believable I understand. However it has become comon place policy at CREngland. Stop and ask some new graduates, they will tell you about it.
    Married couples sharing the same bed, getting proper sleep, and being properly restrained is not the same situation at all.
    With 3 people dead in 45 days that I was there, its hard to argue that CRE is safe anymore. I would love to share the recorded words of the Training department supervisor yelling "its safe because I SAY its safe!" or "your wife is none of your concern!". The company is such a joke now. Even the DOT gave them an unsatisfactory rating.
  10. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    And this is unsafe?

    Who told you that she would have to sleep on the floor of a moving truck? Or is that something you're implying and you assumed? As I recall, there is a driver seat and a passenger seat, along with a sleeper bed. Who told you that she would have to sleep on the floor of a moving truck when: a) one person would be driving; b) one person would be sleeping; and c) one person is riding in the passenger seat.

    Immoral? Is immoral a safety issue? And who said that the male trainer and the two female students would be sharing beds? Or is this another something that you're implying, or assuming? As I recall, there is a top bunk and a bottom bunk in the sleeper cab. Assuming that you're in a stopped position, the top bunk is used to accomodate one person, while the bottom bunk could be used to accomodate two people. Thus, the male trainer could take the top bunk and the two female trainees could share the bottom. However, it sounds like your wife wasn't interested in sleeping with another female (even though they could be in their own seperate sleeping bags), thus she was probably told that she could sleep on the floor. Still, she (your wife) could sleep in the passenger seat and all three would be getting their proper rest.

    Okay... so how is THIS a safety issue? Just because the two trainees could not be logged into QualComm at the same time, makes it a safety issue? Accounted for? What are you talking about? This is safety issue?

    The ENTIRE two weeks she was there? WOW! She was there for two weeks and you're judging CR England's entire safety policy on her being there for two weeks, combined with the fact that the first six quotes of what you indicated aren't even safety concerns.

    Hmmm.... maybe CR England does have an excellent safety policy considering that they could see that you and she probably were a huge risk. More than likely a risk of not HEARING what was being said, not LISTENING to what was being taught, and not being able to COMPREHEND, or USE of COMMON SENSE.

    EVERY conversation? WOW! What do you do.... keep a tape recorder strapped to your waist? LOL. That's weird if you do, though. Maybe there's something about that? Maybe CR England found THAT to be weird too. Just sayin'!!

    Just looking at the majority of your post makes me think that there's a lot that you have not stated, yet you stated it perfectly. Words paint the picture.
  11. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    "On my DAC it says we wete aggressive and a liability"

    Really - only 3 weeks and you already have a DAC entry? In fact, you made that statement two weeks ago, or roughly a week after you left. You don't have a DAC entry that you can access or read... just one week after leaving.

    Coyote: "Hmmm.... maybe CR England does have an excellent safety policy considering that they could see that you and she probably were a huge risk. More than likely a risk of not HEARING what was being said, not LISTENING to what was being taught, and not being able to COMPREHEND, or USE of COMMON SENSE."

    I really think you should look at CRE's safestat scores, and their recent history before you start shouting from the rooftops about how safe they are.
    THBatMan8 Thanks this.
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