Safety means nothing to CRE

Discussion in 'CR England' started by CRE Truth, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    You are not factually correct on few points ... First behind the wheel time from the school ... we did 4 days of driving, 3 to a truck, about 2 hrs driving each on each day ... 8 hrs of driving, not 2.

    As far as training time the minimum you can do is 30 days in phase 1. You can do more if you or your trainer reccomends it and you want to do it, but if you want off the truck after 30 days, the trainer can't hold you. You test out and are solo qualified after phase 1

    Same with phase 2 if you want to lease. The minimum is 10 days. Again you can train longer if you wish. But it is the students call. If they want off the truck to go lease, the trainer can't hold them.

    Now as far as over all safety issues at CRE ... You - CRE Truth - are not bringing any real relevations to the table.

    Everyone in the industry is aware of the bad week that CRE had last month. There is already thread to that effect on this site.

    CRE has not avaided the consequenses of CSA 2010. The DOT seems to be already aware, as they have put CRE on inspect status and have yanked CREs EZ Pass. All CRE trucks have to enter any open scale.

    And last even CRE is aware, as they presently advertising for a Safety Director. Either they are upgrading the Safety Manager's position to executive level or they fired thier present Safety Director.

    So your CRE is Unsafe thread is a little late to the party. You're bascially jumping on the bandwagon, trying to go to the front of the bus and taking a few shots at the dead horse.

    Now as for the specific issue that you and your wife had, that would be germane, as it could lend some new insight. Please share.

    Meanwhile the cornielius/ronin debate is ongoing, running from thread to thread and is epic ... please do not interupt them.
    AchioteCoyote Thanks this.
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  3. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    Does that mean that Larry Luke, Safety Manager and BS Artist Extraordinaire, is probably now pushing carts at Walmart? For all his grandiose stories and cliches, he's obviously not had much effect on the whole program.
  4. Rick Brown

    Rick Brown Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    Monroe NC
    Well, I am talking to CRE right now, not sure how things are going to go with my work at the moment. I know I am making less now than I did 2 years ago, and it may be time to go back to drivin......
  5. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    When I was a phase 1 trainer with England I had a student that wanted to stay on the truck longer then the 30 days since he thought he wasn't ready.

    He was doing good and I told him I would pay for all his meals since he was making me good money. We agreed on 10 more days with me but when I told the TC Deidre about this she got upset with me.

    She said I couldn't have a student longer then 30 days or she was going to take away my trainer status. So my opinion is that the TC's care more about getting the students through training as quickly as possible then getting them properly trained.
  6. Rick Brown

    Rick Brown Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    Monroe NC
    I just spoke to a recruiter this afternoon, and think I will pass on CRE. I have 19 years driving experience, but none in the last 10 years, and I don't think I need 60 days running as a trainee to figure out what I am doing. The pay for the first 30 days would be $140 a day less than what I am making now, and 12 cents a mile for the next 30 days? I don't think so.
  7. crankyazz

    crankyazz Light Load Member

    Aug 4, 2011
    Fountain, Co
    why on earth would you need 60 days"? I stopped driving back in 2006 and true enough while I am paying $4000 my self to go back through school I will be paid back by May trucking. I will go out with a trainer for a week..... why even look at CR England? they are the biggest crooks out there, and yes I'm an England hater lol
  8. CRE Truth

    CRE Truth Bobtail Member

    Jul 8, 2011
    Savannah, Ga
    Ok factualy correct. You are claiming that you spent 7 hours out on the truck for four days in a row??? (3 students 2 hours each plus 2 fifteen minute breaks and 1 thirty minute lunch). First off the smallest truck load for me or my wifes seperate classes was a 4 man truck plus instructor, the average size was 5 students though. Each day we got one drive period of less than 30 minutes. Thats less than 2 hours. Maybe you got realy realy lucky but I think not. I recorded my time properly so I know how much behind the wheel time I had. My wife's class was HUGE so they got even less time.

    They clearly state you make more money, you get first choice in freight over company drivers, you spend less time at $ 0.12 a mile if you lease. The flip side is company drivers spend more time training at $0.12, get the freight ic's wont take , forced dispatch, left over trucks that they can pull from you at any time, forced compliance to all fuel stops, no pets, and no idling. Once you finish sitting in class being hammered by the sales pitch and two extra months of phase two crap, what would you choose? The choice between being force feed a turd sandwich or not isnt a choice. Funny how they wont tell you this BEFORE you come out and waste time and money. No one ever said you had to lease but they sure as hell push and push and push for you to.

    So you admit you know all this already, how about the people they bs into coming out every week? I heard nearly everyone in class say they didnt know all this.

    Week is one thing, but months to years is something more. What about the 3 dead students and trainers the happened in the 45 days before this 'bad week'? I've read the Qualcomm messages with my own eyes where CRE anouched a fatality one day (pointing out the dead student wasnt part of thier fleet because they put him with a brand new leasing IC), then anouced how the just had a great safety week three days later. The worst part was after we walked past that truck several times a day all crunched up in the yard, an instructor came into class and told us CRE still hadnt talked to his family.

    So getting a guy a CDL with your class, shortening his training to 40 days, making him a trainer emediately upon finishing training, assigning him a student and putting him in the same truck... That somehow means they should have no responsibility when the trainer killes the student and himself delivering thier load?!? The familiar words on the side of every ICs truck are 'Operated by CR England'. Csa should definately do something, if they did then CRE would have a much much worse reputation because you could see all the responsibility they are avoiding.

    Sorry someone wasnt quicker. I would have liked to know how bad they were so I could have made a better decision. CRE was the worse mistake of MY life.

    Hehe sorry. Didnt mean to interfeir with them. By all means continue, but I would like to hear more on everyones experiences with safety, that way no one gets the idea of one disgruntled dude shaking thier tree. Ive met so so sooo many people with bad cre experiences to share. So are prety outrageous.
  9. CRE Truth

    CRE Truth Bobtail Member

    Jul 8, 2011
    Savannah, Ga
    The reasons why they do 60 days of phase two boils down to the points.
    1. It helps leasers with thier outragous lease payments.
    2. It convinces students to lease.
    3. If you are so determined to be a company man/woman they want to make sure you are safe because of Csa 2010 regulations. ICs can go kill themselves as long as they make the company sime money first.
  10. CRE Truth

    CRE Truth Bobtail Member

    Jul 8, 2011
    Savannah, Ga
    This webpage wont let me publicly post my email or phone number. Additional I have not found a free file server that works with android. So if you would like to get a copy emailed to you, message me. Ill message you back with my spare email account, and you can give me yours. Ill email them directly
    Let me know a free file server that I can use with android.
    I will be OTR indefinately so no telling when I will be using a computer again.
  11. Rick Brown

    Rick Brown Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    Monroe NC
    Don't know why I would need 60 days, but after making some calls and doing some research, I find that everyone I call will require some time working for way lower wages than I can stand at the moment.

    I look at CRE because I drove there before, and made good money with them.
    AchioteCoyote Thanks this.
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