Sammons Trucking Lease purchase????

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by michaelbunt, Apr 25, 2013.


    MOGLAR Heavy Load Member

    Jun 19, 2013
    Kansas City , MO
    No problem bud :) In any event...I still strongly advise anyone looking to lease to a trucking company as an O/O or are looking at a lease purchase to see the lease in advance.

    On the other side of the coin....find out SPECIFICALLY...what the carriers requirements are and their expectations. If you do not or cannot meet the requirements and expectations.....don't waste their time!! On that side of the coin I agree with.

    If you do meet the requirements one phone call and discussion with the recruiter should be enough to have them send you a copy of the lease for review. Its a two way street. You need to be up front and honest with the carrier....and on the same token they should be the same way with you without making you jump through a bunch of hoops and playing word games. At that juncture there should be no issue with the potential O/O or driver to see the lease!:yes2557:
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