Hey guys so I've been driving for about 7 months now, love what I do and about 2 months ago I dropped a dirty UA for weed. Broke me to the core but have completed my RTD process and am road worthy but having a really hard time finding new work. Asking for a friend, can someone get me some resources? Currently located out of Kansas City but willing to travel just about anywhere if I'm given a chance. Have my doubles/triples endorsements as well as tanker.
SAP Friendly Trucking Companies near me?
Discussion in 'Seek Employment' started by mdub.308, Aug 22, 2024.
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Perhaps you could apply for a driving job with TransAm out of Olathe KS:
1) TransAm has been known to be a 2nd. chance company.
2) Also, TransAm is very close to Kansas City KS, just across the river from Kansas City MO, (not sure which of the 2 cities of Kansas City you're from).
3) This would also make it easier for you to get home, perhaps parking your truck at the terminal in Olathe KS, vs. being under a load during home time.
Good luck to you and your entire family! God bless you and your entire family!
God bless every American and their families! God bless the U.S.A.!
The absolute sheer driving force of our national economy - without truck drivers, our entire national economy would come to an absolute standstill - if not outright be dead.
Over the mountains, through the woods, into the valleys, coast to coast, from sea to shining sea - truck drivers can and do go anywhere and everywhere, every day, every night, all year round.Last edited: Aug 24, 2024
Thank you so much! I'll give trans am a call!
born&raisedintheusa Thanks this. -
Gave em a call just about 30 minutes ago, said the SAP or dirty UA incident has to be 3 years. Thanks for the help though its greatly appreciated!
born&raisedintheusa Thanks this.
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