Securing stacks of narrow equipment, off center

Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by wheelofgrime, Aug 30, 2024.

  1. wheelofgrime

    wheelofgrime Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2024
    I had a bunch of gear on my trailer. Drove about sixty miles with this load. Stopped to return the aluminum conveyors and had to put the aluminum planks on top of the blue steel conveyors for the trip back to my shop. I kept the steel conveyors strapped, then used two blocks between first plank and conveyor and another two blocks between planks, then strapped over top of planks to trailer. Drove about three or four miles and the planks and top conveyor tipped. I caught it in the mirror and was able to improvise a new securement method for the rest of the trip, taking the planks off the conveyors.

    When I got to my shop I realized the conveyors were now tipping again. I understand that a load that is strapped close to the edge of the trailer will want to move toward the center of the trailer because the strap will loosen if it moves in that direction. I guess I am wondering what I should do next time. Would wrapping the conveyors together first solve the problem or would the stack still tip toward the middle? I put the ratchets on the driver's side (close side) thinking the ratchet side will have more tension and will tend to pull harder, in order to compensate.

    I'm at a loss. Thanks.

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  3. Razororange

    Razororange Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2011
    Milwaukee, WI
    Hook a strap to the frame of that top conveyor and pull over the top to the driver's side of your trailer. If the strap hook won't fit on the frame then go from the rub rail over the top then come back under the top conveyor and back to the same rail. You just need something pulling to the side you want the conveyors to stay on.

    Another option is to choke the top conveyor like it's a piece of pipe. Might need some plastic edge protectors on all 4 corners to let the strap slip around them while it tightens.
  4. wheelofgrime

    wheelofgrime Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2024
    Thanks! I'll practice those techniques before I move these again.
  5. xsetra

    xsetra Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    All 4 straps you have touching the conveyors are pulling them towards the center of trailer.

    Yes, put a loop around both conveyors to keep that dunnage from vibrating loose between the two.

    In addition to the straps, you have on the conveyors. I would put a couple straps from driver's side rub rail then looped around both conveyors and back down to the driver's side rub rail.
    This would put tension both directions sideways on the conveyors.
    kylefitzy and wheelofgrime Thank this.
  6. wheelofgrime

    wheelofgrime Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2024
    I was looking at the photo I took in the rental yard and realized the only thing keeping the steel conveyors from toppling was this strap that I have traced in blue. It went between the steel conveyors and pulled up on the top conveyor as it made the bend.


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  7. wheelofgrime

    wheelofgrime Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2024
    Thanks, I plan to invest in more straps so I have enough for bundling things together and so forth. These have always been the most difficult types of loads for me - bunch of random tools and stuff, where it's hard to center things and the straps from one object interfere with deck space for placing another object.

    I appreciate the replies from the pro drivers.
  8. wheelofgrime

    wheelofgrime Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2024
    If I had a CB in the truck, I probably would've heard guys telling me my strap situation was a dumpster fire. Always wanted one...
  9. wheelofgrime

    wheelofgrime Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2024
    Welp, I got some practice today. upload_2024-8-30_18-2-55.jpeg
  10. wheelofgrime

    wheelofgrime Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2024
    Strapped under yellow straps and back to same side. Then used yellow conveyors as bulkhead for grapple bucket, which was then cinched to the steel hoppers at right in a similar manner, then yellow strap over it all.

    I don’t have enough yellow straps on either trailer. Recommendations on where to buy them? As well as edge protectors.


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  11. xsetra

    xsetra Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    internet is a good source for cargo securement equipment. Many trailer dealers have equipment in stock.
    wheelofgrime Thanks this.
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