Shopping bag plastics blamed for cancers, heart disease and …
Research has revealed that a build-up of these microplastics – minuscule pieces that break off from items such as shopping bags and food packaging – can be linked to heart disease, …
Shopping bag plastics blamed for cancers, heart disease and dementia
Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Chinatown, Jan 18, 2025.
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I knew it along. We were just fine with paper bags. Paper bags deteriorate in a few months outside, plastic takes 10-20 YEARS! However, as the population grew, paper was just too devastating to our environment and another solution was needed. Plastic. Plastic is everywhere. We simply can't live without it. I couldn't imagine life without plastic. While I kind of appreciate Chinatowns interest in health maladies, generally, by the lack of comments, people don't want to talk about it, especially on a website that deals with health abuse. It's a source of anxiety we can't do anything about. Plastic and cancer are here to stay, like it or not. Colorado banned plastic bags in 2021, for what? Reusable plastic bags. Not only does the store get even more money, they deteriorate easily, and I heard are more difficult to make than regular bags. At 70 and a lifetime of trucking, I've been subjected to just about every hazard known to man. It's part of our society and does little to gripe about it. The hazards our parents and grandparents were subjected to make a couple of microscopic plastic particles in our lives seem silly. People are generally living longer, due to better healthcare, but unless people are willing to give up everything that's plastic, we can't have zero risk. Recycle you say? HA! Our community doesn't even have a recycling program, yeah, that's right, tree hugging Colorado doesn't recycle. The company that did that went bust, and now everything, aluminum, plastic, nuclear and medical waste,,,all goes to the landfill, one of new "14ers" soon. Besides, maybe it's the plastic helping us live longer. Can you imagine the healthcare industry without plastic?.
Thanks Chinatown, but I think your posts on these matters belong on a different site.broke down plumber and The_vett Thank this. -
I am not surprised. Plastic bags were pushed on us and shoved down our throats....Telling us it was a green thing "Save a tree ! choose plastic".
We can grow trees! And we do not need plastic. Would be nice to have glass bottles back. They would be returnable like they used to be, and we would not be taking advantage of poor countries who don't want our plastic garbage, but take it, for the money. Do you know how many children are killed from plastic every year? Too many !!! Plastic kills. It is toxic. I am reminded of E-v's. Which I also feel is a mistake , and it is also being pushed on us. I can only speak for myself, and I am grateful to Chinatown for all of the helpful and healthy things he posts. I am also grateful for you Drivers here and for all of you, who are out there rollin ! I appreciate all you do, and what you do is no small accomplishment. Your work of course, but you also keep our highways safer. You make moves that save 4 wheelers lives, constantly , and they are too stupid to even see it. And a lot more, Thank You for all you do.201 and broke down plumber Thank this. -
The plastic bag industry may be owned by the Chemo industry.
Ever think about that?hope not dumb twucker and The_vett Thank this. -
Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
201 Thanks this.
You know you weren’t supposed to eat the bags right?
201, hope not dumb twucker and The_vett Thank this. -
Many of the west coast Walmart stores are no longer using plastic bags and are now stocking the registers with the good old fashioned paper bags. When I was a kid, you used those paper bags as book covers for your school books. You couldn't make a very effective book cover out of a plastic bag.
But to play devil's advocate...who wants to live a bag, save a baby seal.hope not dumb twucker and The_vett Thank this.
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