Should I add endorsements? Will it be beneficial?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Jbrown87, Dec 1, 2024.

  1. Jbrown87

    Jbrown87 Light Load Member

    Nov 7, 2023
    Hey drivers , so I’m about a year experience an I’m still enjoying my career . I started at western express an moved to a regional positions making about $70,000 well what would be $70,000 a year where I am now. My question is in about another year should I get my hazmat a tanker to make more money a maybe go local?. Or should I just stay where I am because I have great benefits , 401k I love it and I get raises soon four to five years I’ll be at 6figure income. I appreciate the advice I get here because because of you all I found employment as a ex felon an now I’m doing very well an my life has changed drastically
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Are you still at Western?
    As for your question on endorsements, get them all so you'll be prepared when that tanker job is available.
  4. Jbrown87

    Jbrown87 Light Load Member

    Nov 7, 2023
    No I’m at a company called BST out of where I live , I’m regional. I do a load an get a back haul so I’m Home every other day an for my 34 hour reset an I get raise every six months
  5. Jbrown87

    Jbrown87 Light Load Member

    Nov 7, 2023
    My question is should I stay where I am and climb or would I make more money with the endorsements if I go local fuel or hazmat or something
  6. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Freight Carrier, Freight Broker, Regional Warehouser - BST Trucking
    Building Systems Transportation is a national freight carrier, freight broker, and regional …
    Competitive Pay and Benefits
    BST values our employees and offers a competitive compensation plan for our drivers. We offer a percentage based pay scale, a 401k retirement plan, tuition reimbursement, paid holidays, paid vacation, medical insurance, and other employment benefits and bonus opportunities.
    I think I'd stay at BST for now. At least stay a year or two to show you're not a job hopper. That pay is excellent for a new driver. Still go ahead and get all the endorsements as soon as possible.
  7. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    I always recommend getting all of your endorsements because you never know what may become available. That said, I'm not sure how the whole HazMat thing will play out with you having a felony conviction.......not trying to harsh your mellow, but they do a background check on you and I'm not sure how that goes with a felony.
    Good're thinking right.
  8. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    That felony might be a hangup with getting hazmat but we have a guy up in Tacoma hauling fuel locally and he has at least one felony on his record.
  9. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    I was about to say he’s doing alright for working for the likes of a Western Express.
  10. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Yeah, he's doing great!
  11. Jbrown87

    Jbrown87 Light Load Member

    Nov 7, 2023
    Ok , thanks I planned on staying 14 months an then seeking out something different but I have a feeling I may stay , I will work on the endorsements right away
    Chinatown and broke down plumber Thank this.
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