Signature photo?

Discussion in 'Truck Forum Information Center' started by Boardhauler, Jan 2, 2023.

  1. Boardhauler

    Boardhauler Road Train Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Ballin' in it for Shakey
    I can't get an image to appear as my signature. I'm trying to post a picture from my media and it will not appear.
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  3. d o g

    d o g Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 20, 2010

    Which one did you want? I was able to clean up the image codes that were in your sig and put one of your pics in. I thought that was a good pic, but I can try to change it if you want another one instead.
    bullhaulerswife Thanks this.
  4. Boardhauler

    Boardhauler Road Train Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Ballin' in it for Shakey
    Thank You! I was actually wanting the wheelie shot of me and the one with two of my lady friends posed on the bike. I actually used to have those and removed them when a certain member here claimed to be offended. After thinking about it for a while I decided I don't care if he's upset - that's my Ducati, I'm riding it and Priscilla and Ari are friends.
    d o g Thanks this.
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