Some truckers still appreciate courtesy

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by Bayle, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California

    You're killin' me here Ducks!

    Call me ANYthing, EXCEPT "normal".
    I just ain't right. And I think it's becoming more and more obvious.


    Just about EVERYtime I walk into a business, an employee asks me,
    "Can I :smt100 you?"

    I tell 'em I'm waaayyy beyond :smt100 and thank them anyway.
    And I mention MANY have tried ---
    ALL have failed.

    I wonder?
    Is there ANY hope for me?

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  3. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    Check your lineage, AfterShock. I think it's a genetic thing. My mother saw the world from different perspectives as well...

    [​IMG] I surrendered to the yearnings at an early age.

    ####, I was a cute kid. And then I grew up... <sighs>

    Don't bother with "hope". Embrace your weirdness. I think it gets you Snazzy points. :biggrin_25520:
  4. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    I'll admit, I AM collecting Snazzy Points.
    BTW, how much does one Snazzy Point weigh?

    I have an empty wagon and I can easily get about 43,000 pounds back there and still weigh legal.
    But, that's not to say I wouldn't run around the scales if I were over weight with Snazzy Points.

  5. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    I'm not sure just what a Snazzy point weighs, but I suggest you drivers be careful... steer clear of the coops. I heard they're cracking down on big trucks running heavy with excessive Snazzy points.

  6. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    That just ain't fair!!:biggrin_25512::biggrin_25523:
  7. Bayle

    Bayle Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Your story reminds me of another Aftershock. I was eating at a local restaurant chain here a few months back, and some Marines walked in near the end of my meal. As I left paying my bill I payed their bill and plenty for a tip for the waitress as well. I've a soft spot for marines as I spent a little over 3 years on Okinawa in the Corps myself. But all military members I respect.
  8. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    Why do we do stuff like that Bayle? :scratch::dontknow:

    Consider this,.................While running with another Big truck driver, and O/O with the same company I drove a company Big truck for, on the East coast toll roads, I was running point and approached the toll both first. I paid my fare. I think it was around $14.00 as I recall.
    I gave the toll-taker $30.00.

    I told him to tell the Big truck driver behind me that he was customer number 10 million, and his toll would be free.

    I knew our tolls would be identical, and I told the toll-taker to keep the change for playing along with the game. That should have been $2.00, and if the toll-taker was HONEST, it would be. To his credit, the toll-taker gave my friend his receipt for the correct amount.

    You should have heard my friend bragging about his "LUCK", and how I "JUST MISSED OUT" on a free toll.
    I never did tell him.
    Just acted disappointed that I didn't "win".
    But really, I did.

    Another time,..................

    At one toll booth, I paid about $18.00 for my toll.
    Handed the taker a twenty, got two bucks change and a receipt.
    I looked at the receipt before pulling away, but it was printed too light for me to read it.
    As I was slowly pulling away, I turned on my map light and could plainly see the receipt was for $6.00.
    That toll-taker switched receipts and was gonna pocket the difference.

    Well,.......... My trailer was half way through the booth area and was still in front of the toll window when I pulled my air valves and came to a screeching, rocking halt.
    And waited,.................................................

    Put my 4-ways on.
    And waited,................................

    Heard horns blowing behind me.
    And waited,........................

    Musta been about three minutes I was just sitting there.
    Finally, the toll-taker comes up to my Big truck driver's side window and just hands me a receipt for $18.00.
    Didn't say a word.

    So I asked him by name (he wore a name tag shirt) if he wanted the $6.00 receipt back so he could screw the NEXT driver.
    He just shook his head , no.
    Then I read off the phone number for registering complaints from a notepad in my hand and asked him if that was still the correct number.

    He shook his head, yes.

    I said GOOD.
    I think I'll call and tell them to give you a raise.

    He finally spoke when he told me, "we already make over $16.00 an hour."

    I replied, OH! I wasn't referring to monetary compensation. :biggrin_25513:

    I was thinking they should take away your CHAIR.
    Give you a RAISE.
    Make you stand ---- all night.

    Then I pulled away into the night.

    The toll-taker wasn't.

    I'm a baaaadd man!!

  9. shandera

    shandera Enchantress of the Mystical

    Sep 18, 2007
    If thats being BAD then I don't wanna be GOOD.

    I wish there were more people like you in this world hun. I might just make things go a bit smoother.

    I taught my girls from early ages if you can spare even a little it might brighten someone elses day and make a difference. Ya never know who that homeless or in-need person may really be.

    I don't like handing anyone money so if they ask I'll usually ask if the need breakfast, lunch or dinner and what they might like and usually pop threw a Drive-Thru and get them something.

    Giving just makes sense to me. I ask for nothing in return, not even a Thank You.....I usually ask them to just pass it on to someone else. said Marines and Okinawa. My Step-dad George was also there but way before your time.

    Thanks for the Service though, it's appreciated.
  10. Bayle

    Bayle Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cottage Grove, MN
    I don't like just handing out money myself. I was living in Southern California several years ago, in Costa Mesa. I stopped at a gas station, well to get gas. There was a guy there asking people for money to get some gas.

    I said to him, " I tell you what, I will put $5 worth of a gas into your car, but I am not going to give you the cash." He took it, which was fine. There had been another time when a guy said no it' ok. I'll help out, but not hand out.
  11. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    Good point Bayle!

    Then, there's the stranded motorist, usually with a family of five or six in a packed to the hilt station wagon, trying to get money for "gas" to continue on their cross-country trek.

    Keep in mind --- they're stranded, OUT of gas, within 100 miles of STARTING their 2,500 mile trip.
    They usually have "need" for food and cash as well.
    Who doesn't?

    Ever wonder how much money one con-artist or those who are legit, can take in in a day?
    In Lost Wages, Nevada, there was a pan-handler who pan-handled from his Cadillac. NEW Cadillac.
    Even had a day job, I hear.
    And he usually had a child in tow for the sympathy factor, making it a profitable, and quick way to obtain money to gamble.

    A Big truck driver can meet so many folks out there wanting a little something from their wallets, that there's no way they could contribute to them ALL, and still have enough money left at the end of the month to cover their OWN buttoxes.

    ANOTHER reason why Big truck drivers should be better paid.
    Ya reckon.

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