Some truckers still appreciate courtesy

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by Bayle, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. didntitellu

    didntitellu Light Load Member

    Jul 31, 2007
    About 3 weeks back at a little truck stop up in Oregon we got that middle of the night knock at the door. When we cracked the window there stood a rather large man. This man proceeded to tell us his story of having been a driver for our company for 20+ years, finally saved up and bought his own truck. Just a few short miles away he broke down. He left his 2 small kids in the truck while he went out in search of money to help get them a motel room for the night.

    After a brief conversation we offered to give him a ride back to his truck, pick up his 2 kids and take them to the nearest motel and cover the cost of a nights stay. Of course he refused. Half an hour later the CB began to talk about this guy who gave the same story to every driver that opened their windows to him. I guess all in all he must have had 500 years of experience to have driven for every company there for 20+ years.

    Gotta say he sure aged well!!!!

    Bottom line is yea you really do have to watch it anymore. Most of the time its just someone trying to take advantage of you. Things like the ice cream, the drinks those are great stories and things I love to hear about. But the begars out there.....
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  3. Bayle

    Bayle Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Exactly, and just like you offered the help and not a hand out, it's why I did the same with the guy and the gas. Good going on at least offering the help.
  4. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    Say WHAT?! :biggrin_25526:

    "ANOTHER" AfterShock?! :biggrin_25513:
    Say it ain't so.
    Is he Shakey, too? :biggrin_25525::biggrin_25523:

    Are you positively sure it wasn't another member of the "After" clan?
    There are many.
    Let's see, there's
    AfterBurner, -- Big truck driver & cousin
    AfterTaste, -- Short-Order cook & Uncle
    AfterThought, -- Cub reporter & cousin
    AfterGlow, -- Preacher & Aunt
    AfterMath -- Educator, & Uncle
    AfterDinner-Mint (she's a fox!) -- Big truck driver and daughter of
    AfterProfit -- Big truck trucking company owner & Uncle. Which means AfterDinner-Mint is my cousin.
    AfterBurner is AfterDinner-Mint's brother.

    Now, if y'all ain't confused AfterAll that,............:biggrin_25511::biggrin_2556:
  5. Bayle

    Bayle Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cottage Grove, MN
    I think it was that time back on '94 when I was in SoCal and that Northridge quake hit. Yeah, that's it.
  6. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    I remember that.
    And the Landers quake.
    THAT time I WAS sitting RIGHT ON TOP OF IT.
    In Banning.

    I'm gonna be real disappointed if the "BIG One" hits California and I'm off somewhere OTR.
    I don't wanna miss it!

  7. Bayle

    Bayle Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cottage Grove, MN
    You were sitting on top of my wife? That is a sick, sick joke man. I am not at all impressed with your humor! Dem is fightin words!

    Just kiddin, I ain't married.
  8. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    Shux Howdy!
    You had me all shook up there, Ducks. :biggrin_25511::yes2557:
  9. Mr_Dude

    Mr_Dude Engineer Of Doom

    Aug 18, 2007
    Lowell, Arkansas
    I stop short if i'm on a 2 lane, but i hardly traverse the 2-lanes anymore...Lotta 4 + Turning lanes here in NW Arkansas.

    One thing I do make sure to do, and it's paramount since i'm on a Motorcycle. GIVE THE RIG AT LEAST 200 FEET BEFORE TURNING IN HIS LANE. Too often i see SUVs with families dart in front of JBHT, Tyson, and Wal-Mart trucks then stand on the brakes to exit or make a right-hand turn. It's already caused a number of fatalities this year. I'm also a firm believer that states should REQUIRE driver's education for 16 yo drivers. Arkansas doesn't, and the state's accident record speaks for itself. Compare that next to 2 higher pop. and city-states, Missouri with STL and KC, and Illinois with CHI, ESTL, etc. I think the percentage of accidents per driver is MUCH LOWER than in arkansas.
  10. Bayle

    Bayle Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Well, my actual first time out on the road as a student today, and this exact thing happened to me. I was so grateful for that 4 wheeler staying back that it was one thing I didn't have to worry about, while trying to make sure the trailer didn't run over the curb, take out the stop sign, I was checking everthing else. Wow, it was a bit nerve-wracking my first time out like that, but I enjoyed it a ton. I can't wait to get out there again, and improve and get more comfortable.
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