Sterling 2005 snowplow

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by DMC, Jan 25, 2025.

  1. DMC

    DMC Bobtail Member

    Jan 25, 2025
    Took our truck into the garage a couple of days ago to repair the plow and to look at a problem with the dash.The dash would sweep when you would turn the key but then would get "no data" and loose all gauges except air and fuel. It would come back working for a day or 2 then it went and didn't come back.Thinking the dash was the problem we switched it out with another one,,same thing. We checked fuses, relays, ground and tried to follow wires.Still the same.
    The next morning we did some more test and then when we started the motor the motor idled fine for about 5 seconds then revel up, the fuel pedal don't work. It does the same with the pedal unplugged . Replaced it with a different pedal and still the same.I checked everything I can think of,I don't have a computer to plug it into. If I had any hair on my head I'd have it all pulled out.
    Hopefully someone can help me.
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  3. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Bring it to the dealer or get a mobile service to look at the ECM to see what the problems are. It may be as simple as a ground.
  4. DMC

    DMC Bobtail Member

    Jan 25, 2025
    This is what I'm thinking about doing.Worst thing is I'm 5 hrs from a dealer.
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