Superior Carriers & Henniff

Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by tank4life, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. ThePrettyPinkTrucker

    ThePrettyPinkTrucker Bobtail Member

    Mar 31, 2021
    Looking for insight.

    Recently Heniff started accepting students fir new hire. I’m looking into signing on for their training program. I’m in the New Orleans/Baton rouge area. I’m wondering what initial pay would be like as well as how long is training. Also any pros/cons would be helpful.
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  3. Lilj

    Lilj Medium Load Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    I’m a driver trainer for heniff, I will try and answer your questions as best I can. I’m out of the Pasadena Tx terminal so every terminal operates a little differently, with you being fresh out of school you would be with a driver trainer for anywhere between 6-8 weeks depending on how long it takes you to catch on it could be longer.

    You will get a combination of mileage and hourly pay depending on what you do, with you being a student I believe you will start out at .58 cent per loaded mile and .45 cent per mile when empty. When loading or unloading you will get a flat rate for the first 2 hours and then you will get paid an hourly rate after 2 hours at customer.

    If you work locally which is anything under 150 miles you will get paid by the hour, if you are OTR and you have to wait on your next load, they pay you layover pay until you get moving again. Of course a lot of this information I’m giving is part of the new pay package that heniff gave after the first of the year, since I’m local/regional you would need to talk to an actual heniff OTR driver.

    They do give you the option of doing mileage pay or percentage pay, I do mileage pay because I can track everything I do and give myself an idea on how much money I made for a particular run. It seems that heniff is slowly getting their stuff together as I was with a company that heniff bought (superior carriers) so it is a work in progress. So if they are going to give you a chance fresh out of school, pay attention and ask plenty of questions
    dwells40 and scythe08 Thank this.
  4. birdmanfromsc

    birdmanfromsc Bobtail Member

    Oct 6, 2013
    upstate, sc
    Anybody at Heniff give you a hard time about not doing in-transit heat? I ask because I'm with Heniff and was thinking about taking off in-transit lines from my truck.
    Orange713 Thanks this.
  5. ThePrettyPinkTrucker

    ThePrettyPinkTrucker Bobtail Member

    Mar 31, 2021
    Thank you so much I appreciate it. Yes I plan on staying local.
    Lilj Thanks this.
  6. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014

    Why do you want to do that?
  7. birdmanfromsc

    birdmanfromsc Bobtail Member

    Oct 6, 2013
    upstate, sc
    Because it's been over a year since I last used in-transit and the rubber hoses are rubbing against the back of sleeper removing the paint. Plus, I'm sick of looking at the hoses hanging there all the time. Plus, I don't want to mix whatever coolant is charged in the trailer with what is in my engine. You never know what kind of crap might be in the trailer lines.
    REO6205 Thanks this.
  8. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    You can unhook the hoses. I keep mine in the side box.
  9. birdmanfromsc

    birdmanfromsc Bobtail Member

    Oct 6, 2013
    upstate, sc
    10 4 Yea, I'd just do that and forget about the hoses if my side box wasn't already full of stuff like rubber chemical suit, 40' air hose, etc. Not a lot of storage room
  10. ThePrettyPinkTrucker

    ThePrettyPinkTrucker Bobtail Member

    Mar 31, 2021
    Does anyone know what type of tractors Heniff supplies for company drivers? I’ve heard Peterbilts but which model? Are they all automatic? I know this may sound crazy but I actually like driving the manual lol
  11. ncdriver1

    ncdriver1 Road Train Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Peterbilt 579
    Theres also Macks and a few Internationals from Superior mixed in. I think all the trucks starting from 2019 are auto only.
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