TANKER YANKERS ( good tanker companies)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Mortar Man, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. mattfield80

    mattfield80 Light Load Member

    Jun 29, 2012
    Kernersville NC
    was there the step test? that annoying thing where you have to step up then down a 12 inch step for one minute? i hate that thing
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  3. Rug_Trucker

    Rug_Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Near Nashville TN
  4. mattfield80

    mattfield80 Light Load Member

    Jun 29, 2012
    Kernersville NC
    i guess that doesnt seem too bad lol...what about the weights in the milk crate? 40-50 lbs? i have my dot physical and drug screen as well as road test for kenan in an hour and a half so im kinda stressing....the safety lady told me they used to do the work well screen but they werent showing any return on it (i guess everyone was passing) so all they do now is the regular dot phy. and drug test....
  5. route man

    route man Light Load Member

    Jan 13, 2013
    mattfield80 have you started your training yet??i have never pulled a tanker before but really considering getting into it.I will be PM you once i get the privilege.
  6. mattfield80

    mattfield80 Light Load Member

    Jun 29, 2012
    Kernersville NC
    This morning my career with Kenan started! I went in for my physical and drug screen, everything went smooth. There was no "extra" physical stuff I had to do, just the regular dot physical. tomorrow morning i have a 4 hour safety class and the road test. We would of done the road test today but just didnt get around to it. i believe ill be training with someone for a couple weeks.
  7. mattfield80

    mattfield80 Light Load Member

    Jun 29, 2012
    Kernersville NC
    so i did my kenan road test today....i passed but it wasnt the best. they said the one thing i didnt do enough was down shift. i admittedly got into a habit while doing flatbeds of just slowing into a stop, and then putting it into second or third gear when stopped. i CAN downshift, ill just have to get into habit. I also grinded a few gears. I was nervous a bit, and i never was in a Mack before....im still training with another guy for a week or two, then they might have me do another test...ugh! and they said id be on 90 day probationary period....all this over downshifting! oh well, its easily correctable...
  8. Dieselgeek

    Dieselgeek Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    I interviewed for a tanker yanker job last week, and the job included a 90 day probationary period... Most companies have 30-90 day probation periods...
  9. mattfield80

    mattfield80 Light Load Member

    Jun 29, 2012
    Kernersville NC
    well thats good to know lol....i felt like an idiot though after the road test. the couple times i grinded gears, i had to pull up a couple times while coupling...(first time to a tanker) and then me not downshifting enough...i know in my head that all this is correctable, but man when i left there i was like COME ON lol...ill be training for a week or two, then ill get to do some driving with some real experienced guys...
  10. RJ33RD

    RJ33RD Heavy Load Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    Baltimore, Md
    It's just your nerves messing with you because I do the same thing when I'm driving with someone else in the truck . Lol
  11. RJ33RD

    RJ33RD Heavy Load Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    Baltimore, Md
    Oh and congradulations on becoming a Kagger . Lol
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