Thanks to a fellow company driver

Discussion in 'CR England' started by sdlm, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. sdlm

    sdlm Light Load Member

    Aug 8, 2012
    I was at the c&s in northeast, which is always a long and terrible experience. Well, I am parked, waiting for a door in my sleeper, looking for a pen, and boom, my truck shakes and I fall over.

    I realized my truck just got hit, so I get up and get out, to see that my passenger side had more scratches on it, luckily another England company driver showed me the truck that did it, and sure enough I found my paint on his trailer.

    The guy at first didn't belive he hit me, after all he hit my passenger aide, with his driver side making a right turn out of his parking space. I explained that the overhang from his trailer tandems swung out and hit me because he turned too tightly, and the took pics of the damage and his license plates, etc.

    But I want to thank the driver that identified the truck that hit mine, proof there are at least some helpful people who work at this company that I do.
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