The CR England Truck Driving School

Discussion in 'CR England' started by TrucktasticRob, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. Jabber1990

    Jabber1990 Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2013
    Jackson, MO


    I attended one of their schools and we were there from 7 to 5 7 days a week.

    I didn't complete training with them, the reasons are irrelvant, but if you'd like I can share my experience with the school I attended in Richmond, IN
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  3. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    Went to Mira Loma ... I didn't specify how many days a week, but it was 5 and half ... Monday through Friday and a half day on Saturday. All together it was 2 and half weeks.

    Now, that was the official time. After we started on the range, we were encouraged to stay on the range after hours and on the weekends ... no instructors, we were on our own to practice how ever we wanted.

    At the time the only schools were Mira Loma, SLC and Burns Harbor ... I don't how many Premier schools CRE is running now ... I've seen the Richmond range and I've seen Premier trucks in Denver and Laredo and I heard somewhere that the Dallas school is open again.
  4. dogtrucker

    dogtrucker Road Train Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    my truck
    tmi .
  5. dogtrucker

    dogtrucker Road Train Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    my truck
  6. AndrewSS02

    AndrewSS02 Bobtail Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    I just finished out of there myself. I did a class outside of their school to get my CDL. So I only went for orientation. It was 4 days. From 630 till about 430. Two short breaks and an Hour break for lunch. There where different hotels that they put everybody up in. Hometown Inn in Hammond was okay. Its not the greatest. I'm not expecting that. It's still a room for free. The others are Waterbird, and Econo Lodge. They where a little older and dingy. Yet they where still okay to stay in. The econo/waterbird had the better places to be at anyway. They are in the middle of a small town. Kmart, jewel, and a restaurant. Plus getting there was quick from the school. The Hometown is about a mile and a half from anything. Kmart, and a few restaurants. It's not as bad as everybody makes it out to be. I see a lot of people complaining about the place but they go more in depth on the learning aspect of things there. Its a job that is paying for your training and CDL for a job. With a guaranteed job when you are done. So yea you might not like it. Nobody like's a lot of their first jobs in a new career aspect. The trainers where laid back. Instructers helped with questions, answers, and help when I needed it. Only thing I would complain about is the impaitient people who think they deserve everything for free. Free lunch, breakfast, dinner. Sorry, High School didnt do that. College didnt do that. So why should they. It's still provided but you have to pay 6 bucks for a good size healthy portion. Id say at the very least get your cdl at another school and then attend there for a job. Thats what I did and am happy with where I'm being placed.
  7. jdoe2786

    jdoe2786 Bobtail Member

    May 19, 2014
    Thanks for the info!
  8. Moving Forward

    Moving Forward Heavy Load Member

    Jan 14, 2014
    New England, USA
    Good luck Andrew, and I trust you'll post an update in a year about just how happy you are with CRE? :biggrin_2551:
  9. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
  10. AndrewSS02

    AndrewSS02 Bobtail Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    So an update. Did some time. 2 months time. First month was with a trainer. He slept while I drove his miles. He got credit for those miles. No wonder he's a million miler. Anyhoo. It was beginning of august when I was stopping at a truck stop for the night. Backed into a truck. Cracked the headlight cover. Just the cover. And a small scratch. I was there when the lady got the bill for it being fixed the next morning. Sent the pictures and such to the safety advisor. I was let go. Have another job now. Making more in one week now than I did in 3 there. So while I didnt have a bad experience overall like many others. I was let go for a small scratch and cracked headlight. (Less than 300 dollars for the total. Forgot that.) Then when I thought I was good. A ticket showed up on my record for July. Never had anything happen during that month. Supposedly happened in Iowa when all the paperwork I have said I was in Wisconsin. So getting that fixed has been a pain. Apparently Utah home office is going to look into their practices at Sterling. So... There's my update. I now have a better job and pay since being out of there.
  11. bmcmech

    bmcmech Bobtail Member

    Oct 20, 2014
    I would rather collect cans and live on the streets before working for England again... This is the worst company I've ever worked for.. Everything I've read on here is true.. The only thing i'd add... Be sure to take pictures of your hours on the QUALCOMM during phase 1 & 2.. England will REDUCE your hours on your logs, and your paycheck already sucks!!! The only way you will make $650-$630 per week is if you drive your entire 11 & 14 hour clock... THE ENTIRE PAY PERIOD!!! My ave check was around $300 per week.. I have the stubs to prove it... You are a truck number to them and nothing more!!! RUN AWAY NOW!!!
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