The Dog.....

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by supertrucker, Nov 17, 2006.

Have you seen the "dog"?

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    45 vote(s)
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    40 vote(s)
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    Never heard of

    26 vote(s)
  1. supertrucker

    supertrucker Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2006
    Lost Highway
    Everyone has probably heard the tale of the "Black Dog" I will say that I have seen it
    I was out for three days straight runnin' on ten hours of sleep caffine and nicotine and I was comn' back to our shop to park and go home and I was seeing things jump out at me and as I was coming down the driveway I seen it staring at me smiling an evil smile and I kept driving towards it I havn't done a night like that since
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  3. supertrucker

    supertrucker Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2006
    Lost Highway
    I always thought it was a myth now I believe
    Have you seen the dog?
  4. luvmyhubby

    luvmyhubby Road Train Member

    Sep 12, 2005
    Sidney MI
    GEEEZZZZ, what ya should have seen were the lights of the DOT! "Supertrucker" moves like that are a disgrace to the industry...JMO
  5. Eight433

    Eight433 Light Load Member

    Aug 12, 2006
    I've definitely seen the black dog.... not in my big truck though, thankfully. But in my 4 wheeler, I've most certainly seen that menacing little hound jumping out at ya :smilebox:

    turns out it was mostly shadows from my headlights on the trees and trashcans on the side of the road and such.
  6. supertrucker

    supertrucker Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2006
    Lost Highway
    I live by the name
  7. luvmyhubby

    luvmyhubby Road Train Member

    Sep 12, 2005
    Sidney MI

    I am sure you do and by doing so you are one of the many drivers that continue to make the trucking industry a disgrace to the public, you cause other drivers to pay for the mistakes you make, making it harder for everyone to make a living, and you of course must have the chain drive wallet, silver tipped boots, and pheasant hiney plastered to your cowboy hat...oh and lets not leave out the all women are below me and I can have anyone I want attitude either OR are you the "supertrucker" who can drive a thousand miles a day and brag about it to everyone within ear shot at the truck stop?? any one cares or is impressed.

    People are IMPRESSED with the drivers who can make the HOS work for them, who are decent to the people who work at truck stops, who CARE about the safety of all who share the road.

    You "supertrucker" do not impress anyone if you TRULY do live by the name.
    DrtyDiesel Thanks this.
  8. NightWind

    NightWind Road Train Member

    Nov 11, 2006
    Sunny South, AL
    Well I've never seen the "Black Dog" but years ago when I was young and dumb I saw rocks walking, a family of pink elephants walking, and a road going straight that I knew had a curve in it. I went to bed right where I was each time and after the straight road that had a curve episode, I decided it wasn't worth the risk to work that hard even though I was paying for my Mom's cancer treatments so she could live. No I never did drugs, it was too tired, too much stress and stupidity on my part.
    alds Thanks this.
  9. supertrucker

    supertrucker Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2006
    Lost Highway
    I might be arrogant but I don't need to brag people that brag annoy me and yes I do have a cowboy hat but there is no feathers
  10. supertrucker

    supertrucker Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2006
    Lost Highway
    Oh and I can't quite do a thousand miles in a day my best is a little over 800 my truck is limited so before goin' after someone find some more information
  11. luvmyhubby

    luvmyhubby Road Train Member

    Sep 12, 2005
    Sidney MI

    I am not goin after anyne, just stating MO, thats all, nothing more nothing less many hours did it take ya to run that 800????
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