The Heyl Truck Lines Experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Barracuda905, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. Barracuda905

    Barracuda905 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Minot, ND
    I am starting this thread to chronicle my experiences with Heyl. If you have any questions or comments feel free to join in. If you are a Heyl driver please contribute. Everyone is welcome here.
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  3. CivilWerks

    CivilWerks Light Load Member

    Jun 17, 2008
    Chicago, IL
    Are you going to move this thread to Good or Bad Companies or under the DAC Report or leave it here in Stevens?
  4. Barracuda905

    Barracuda905 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Minot, ND
    I did not mean to put this here....I have never created a thread before and I made a mistake. I am trying to get it moved, however, I am unsure of how to do it. Sorry about that.
  5. canuck in da truck

    canuck in da truck Road Train Member

    Aug 6, 2010
    western pa
    kinda hoping he will maybe say something about heyl?
  6. bullhaulerswife

    bullhaulerswife Forum Leader/Admin Staff Member Administrator

    Jul 23, 2007
  7. andrew5184

    andrew5184 Light Load Member

    Apr 13, 2008
    Sapulpa, OK
    So I take it the forecast for this thread is... Heyl! Lol. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

    Good luck Cuda. I look forward to reading about the happenings at your new company.
    Barracuda905 Thanks this.
  8. Barracuda905

    Barracuda905 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Minot, ND
    Now that the administrative issues on this forum are resolved I guess I can start posting.

    I started with Heyl last week. Orientation was only a two day process. There were only two of us for orientation. The entire first morning was spent completing paperwork and doing CSA 2010 training on a computer. Lunch was paid for at a local buffet. The afternoon was more CSA 2010 training and learning their version of the qualcomm. Right now they have a geologic system. As the trucks are updated, they are going to a touch screen unit that has electronic logs.

    The second day was only a half day. There was a lecture on how to complete the logbook and hours of service. The comdata card was covered and then it was out to inspect the newly assigned truck.

    I was assigned a 2008 cascadia. It has an 8 speed transmission with a Detroit Diesel 60 series engine. It has over 300k miles on it. It has a rigmaster apu. In this heat it seems to have difficulty keeping the sleeper cool, but once the sun goes down it does a decent job. The Thermoking model, in my opinion, is far superior to the rigmaster.

    The sleeper is not bad. It seems larger than what I had on the t2k. It does not have a desk but I am learning to live without it. There are plenty of 12 volt plugs and an 1100 watt inverter. Sometime soon I will buy an electric cooler.

    As far as pay and requirements go they require a minimum of one year of experience. I squeaked in having just over a year. Starting pay is .35 a mile with a 1 cent raise every year until .38 a mile. They offer a fuel/safety bonus. The fuel bonus is either 1 or 2 cents a mile. The safety bonus is 1 cent a mile. There is also a 5 cent per mile bonus for all dispatched miles over 28k in a quarter. The fuel bonus seems achievable. It is determined by which truck you are assigned. For my truck the magic numbers are 6.6 mpg for 1 cent and 6.9 mpg for 2 cents.

    Friday morning I was given my first dispatch which took me to the Target in Cedar Falls, IA delivering Monday morning. After spending all day getting unloaded I was sent to Mt. Pleasant, IA for a load delivering today in Temple, TX.

    So far the miles have been steady.
    Lonesome, Everett and andrew5184 Thank this.
  9. TLeaHeart

    TLeaHeart Road Train Member

    Apr 1, 2008
    casper, wy
    Good luck with Heyl, the learning curve is fun too. the new systems, and none of the babysitting you had become accustomed to. And keep us updated, and to PFFFFFF on that guy who was complaining about where the post started.
    Barracuda905 Thanks this.
  10. poorboy126

    poorboy126 Light Load Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Southwest Florida
    Where is Heyl's terminal in Florida? I see a lot of you guys here in Florida and was just wondering.
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