The road to LTL

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by FloridaBoy93, Nov 27, 2024.

  1. FloridaBoy93

    FloridaBoy93 Light Load Member

    Jan 28, 2020

    I am curious on the road to getting on LTL job. I got a job in beverage delivery, I plan to use it as a stepping stone to LTL, I’m not sure if it’ll help, I assume so since it’s local delivery. How long do I need to sling cases to get an LTL job? I would prefer P&D to line haul, at least for now maybe that can be a closer to retirement thing but I like to stay physically active. And what companies are the big dogs in the LTL word to look into and see what I need to do to get there.
    Thank you!
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  3. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    If I were you I would apply all LTL’S immediately and take a job as soon as you get an offer. There is no advantage to waiting to get a year of experience if a good company offers to hire you now. Currently the market seems to be tight and with the exception of certain locations and companies you may be competing against more experienced drivers.
    Most of the LTL’s are very close in pay and benefits, but I am sure some folk who are still in LTL will have their favorites. Old Dominion, Fed Ex Freight, ABF, TFI International (Formerly UPS Freight), Dayton Freight, R&L, XPO are some that I can think of. Frito Lay transport jobs, Walmart and most Carhaul jobs are 6 Figure jobs that depending on where you live could be a very good option. UPS Parcel is generally the top pay and best benefits option, but usually much more difficult to get hired with limited experience. Certain large city locations it can still be possible to get hired at UPS with limited experience.
    Cryogenic Tanker jobs are supposedly very high paying, often Union Shop jobs, but typically require experience. As easy as it is to apply online now, if I were you I would routinely apply to every 6 figure job in my area until,I got one. Good Luck!
  4. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    The first two companies I googled are showing they are hiring in Missouri. IMG_0408.png IMG_0407.png
    FloridaBoy93 Thanks this.
  5. FloridaBoy93

    FloridaBoy93 Light Load Member

    Jan 28, 2020
    I have had a class a license since 2014, hardly ever used it tho just a little here and there. So most times I’ve applied to odfl, r&l, abf etc either say go get more experience or I don’t hear from them at all.
  6. FloridaBoy93

    FloridaBoy93 Light Load Member

    Jan 28, 2020
    I’ve applied there numerous times and never get a call back. Even central transport didn’t wanna talk to me. Lol
  7. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Keep trying until you get the experience they want. Depending on how bad a company needs you will dictate how soon they will hire you.
    MACK E-6 Thanks this.
  8. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    And I would add that not all companies are created equal.

    Ask around and see how the different ones operate. For example, at my outfit we don’t have that “job class seniority”, we don’t rebid runs “just because”, and city drivers in single screws don’t slip seat. To me that alone is worth more than whatever anyone else might pay.
  9. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    What part of Missouri you in?
  10. FloridaBoy93

    FloridaBoy93 Light Load Member

    Jan 28, 2020
    I live in between Columbia and Hannibal in the middle of nowhere. Lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2024
    Reason for edit: Fixed quote
    motocross25 Thanks this.
  11. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    Check out Dohrn. They have a terminal in Sturgeon, MO. Otherwise yea far as the LTL game I guess Columbia would be your best bet. Well good luck it might take some time but I’m sure you’ll find something. Everything in LTL comes to a crawl during an election year, and then with winter it’s kind of slow too. Once spring has sprung hopefully more opportunities will arise for ya.
    FloridaBoy93 and MACK E-6 Thank this.
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