TMC Transportation, Inc. - Des Moines, Ia.

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by TurboTrucker, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Like perhaps if you have a multiple stop load and you're bringing one skid.
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  3. sting77

    sting77 Bobtail Member

    Feb 7, 2007
    man turbo, you have it all figured out, if i were you i would run for the senate or possibly the president.
    untill you grasp the concept of how things work with the ISS score, and that people behind a desk cant drive 3000 trucks, and its a driver who is capt of the ship, then maybe you will understand. when TMC was 160 trucks their ISS score was near perfect as well. we have people who audit logs daily, monitor truck movement daily/nightly, and pleanty of them. we have top of the line technology that no other trucking has. being a former driver at TMC and now in the office, i can tell you, you dont have a clue about this place. you sound like a disgrunteled former employee who left or got fired for doing something he shouldnt have. i know who alot these people are on here that work here and who no longer works here. again till you grasp the expectations at TMC then i wouldnt continue to repeat what other say by quoting them all the time. we didnt get caught doing anything, after the audit, we passes with flying colors by the way, it was public knowledge that we have a satisfactory rating. i welcome them back to do it again. i bet if your company got audited you would be surprised my friend. i dont dog or slam on any company out there we are coworkers in a since, we share the road together. so lets bury the hatchet.
  4. Anomeley

    Anomeley Bobtail Member

    Feb 1, 2007
    I just received an email to review some of your replies. I am always entertained when I run across someone like yourself. You are articulate and well written but only partially informed which makes you dangerous because other people even less informed than yourself read what you present as fact. You and I both know it's solely conjecture on your part.

    The fact is I made it through one of your lengthy replies and became drowsy, next time just reproduce War and Peace. It would be shorter. I am in the office now and I don't have time to take apart your dribble piece by piece but I will gleefully point out your errors as soon as time permits me to do so over the next few days. Suffice to say I better get some Red Bull to help me stay awake with as I read through your remarks. I have been in this industry for over 20 years sir, I don't know what your credentials are but if your driving (as you appear to be) then that speaks volumes doesn't it? I don't mean that as a disparaging remark to drivers either, I drove for 8 years myself after I got out of the USMC before I elected to continue my education and advance my career.

    This will be the longest "dissertation" if you will from me. Please keep your replies to my future posts concise, condensed and on point and we will air our differences. If you go off and a lengthy rant you will fail to hold my attention. Nothing is more irritating to me than someone who thinks they know everything when in fact they know nothing at all. Let your lame rebuttal begin.

  5. rdubill

    rdubill Bobtail Member

    Dec 27, 2006
    Orchard Park, New York
    WOW for all to see!!!

    Anomely speaks again!

    Wouldn't all you drivers like to work for a man and an organization such as Anomely and TMC!!!!

    Imagine when you have a concern/problem while on the road with TMC and you listen to the 100 reasons why you're wrong and the company is right?

    TMC is right up there with Swift and JB Hunt!!

    Their safety rating speaks for itselg...

    Avoid employment with these folks at all costs short of your family starving!!!

    I know I'll get the work out to all of my contacts - printouts from this site posted at the schools and stops will accelerate the distribution...
  6. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006

    No doubt about it that guy is a legend in only his own mind.
    Issueing threats to one the mods or admin is going to go over well. His idle threats won't be tolerated for long here.
    He must have missed the memo from WiseOne about bashing mods won't be tolerated.
  7. Anomeley

    Anomeley Bobtail Member

    Feb 1, 2007
    It's remarks like this that will make me withdraw from this forum. We try to address the mis-information that is rampid and defend a company we truly appreciate. People such as yourself are the exception to the rule. You are one of those that are always right and everyone else is wrong and have trouble accepting responsibility for anything. I am sorry for you.
  8. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    No thanks. I'm quite content with being a trucker, and helping others along the way to understanding the industry a bit more.

    First of all, I'm not about to debate with YOU, my understanding of how the ISS-D scoring system works. I understand it just fine, and due to my many years involved with research on trucking companies, I equally understand how it can be used as a tool to get a glimpse into what is going on behind the scenes of a company.

    I use it in the EXACT way that the FMCSA uses it, in order to decide when a carrier needs to be scrutinized for their lack of attention to safety issues, with a twist or two thrown in because it is statistically proven to be applicable in just about every case.

    Your assertions are extremely defensive in nature, and an example of the kind of crap that every truck driver out here deals with all the time. It's always the driver's fault. Isn't it?

    And just so you know, whatever record that TMC held previously in it's past is of no consequence. I'm talking present tense. I'm referring to the issues that apply to anyone seeking to sign on with that company today.

    The thing that company needs that it doesn't have, are electronic on-board recorders. They keep everyone in line. I've got mine.

    Try again. I've never applied to that company for a job, and the reason for that is because that company has never met MY standards as a viable place for me to hang my hat. It takes alot more than a pretty truck and empty promises to arouse my interest.

    I think that if you will look back, I haven't repeated one thing offered by someone else. What I have offered is FACTUAL in nature, and the statements can be confirmed quite easily. Any opinion I have offered is verifiable as well. Ask me. I'll prove it.

    All you're retorting with is a pathetic attack attempt on my credibility, and I'll put mine up against yours any day of the week.

    Again, I remind you that the compliance rating is a joke, and it always has been. Very few motor carriers have had it lowered, even while they are under the gun and have serious issues on the table. It takes three failed compliance reviews to even begin to have it lowered to "conditional".

    You're using the Jerry Moyes defense. He quoted that same line in an article, when Swift was under fire for safety issues. I laughed until it hurt when I read it.

    The ISS-D score tells the REAL story, and each category of deficiency is broken down to allow one to see what the problem is. Logs are now a secondary concern, because the out-of-service stats for 395.1 issues at TMC have fallen in line to just under the average. So they aren't being caught like they were, but the other problems remain that keep that ISS-D score high.

    But let's move on to address your other claim:

    On 5/08/06, TMC settled with the FMCSA enforcement action taken on 49 counts for falsification of logs found in an audit. The fine paid came to $20,090.00.

    Just a little over a week ago, TMC was audited again. On March 7, 2006, another count of log falsification was discovered. That doesn't sound like "passed with flying colors" to me.

    Now...the drivers who filled out those logs wrote every entry in them. You can fault them for that. The reasons that the drivers falsified those logs could be many, including all of the scenarios discussed in this thread, BUT the company should have caught each and every one of those logs before a field agent found them. He used the same documentation to find them that TMC should have used to catch them.

    Okay...but I think that TMC needs to hire a few more people or replace the ones they have, because while they may have been forced to start taking things a little more seriously, the FMCSA is going to be a thorn in their side for a while longer.

    No...I think you would. The company I work for has EOBR's in every truck and an ISS-D score of 21. The FMCSA knows that the company I work for takes safety issues seriously. They'll pass on Wiseway, so that they can devote a little more time to working with TMC on their issues, as it should be.

    Who's holding a hatchet? I'm offering facts on TMC that people need to know, in order to make an informed decision when they are choosing whether or not TMC is an option that they want to consider.

    I'm still in the dark as to what your goal is, but whatever it may include, you're attempting it on dishonest terms, and that is something that people need to be aware of as well.
    Drive-a-Mack Thanks this.
  9. Anomeley

    Anomeley Bobtail Member

    Feb 1, 2007
    Again guys, none of us mean any disrespect and until this moment I had no idea TT was even a MOD. I have not got time to set around all day and post to a board enough to know who is what. You have to understand, if someone were saying something about a company you knew to be wrong you would defend it as well. With this post I am leaving the board, apologies to anyone offended. Good luck to you all and be safe out there.
  10. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    I challenge anyone to disprove a thing I have written.

    While I could post my credentials to satisfy your curiosity, it isn't really part of the issue at hand, is it? And you're words are typical. If you can't attack the message, then go after the messenger.

    Sir, you're asking to play in my playground. You don't get to make the rules.

    Well..we wouldn't want that, now would we?

    I look forward to any attempt on your part to debunk a thing I have offered in regard to TMC.
  11. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006

    More idle threats. :biggrin_255: :biggrin_255: :biggrin_255:

    This thread is gonna get good. Let me run and get some popcorn and coke. :D :D

    Turbo whadda you think? since your reply to him was more than a few short sentences will he pack up and take his toys with him like he said he would if you rambled on and on(his words not mine).

    Like I've said before you have a way with words that I can only dream of attaining to.

    I also commend your company for its 21 score. The company I'm leased to has 9000+ trucks all O/O and our score is like 34.
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