TNI gets Bolt's Goat

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by UturnGirl, Aug 12, 2020.

  1. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Bolt Goat gets the old Heave Ho
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  3. Oakland Raiders Forever

    Oakland Raiders Forever Medium Load Member

    Feb 24, 2020
    Does that mean your at TNI now ???
    UturnGirl Thanks this.
  4. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    And so, Bolt Goat hires on with TNI.
    This marks the end of the first week.

    Just so you know, I am slow to recommend or dis any company, so I will withhold yay or nay until I've had a chance to form a real opinion.

    So far, orientation was 2 days, all safety stuff, very little practical "how we do it 'round here" so I'm just getting the hang of it. Got 1st truck Wednesday and off on a 1050 mile run. Followed by an 850 run and a side trip to swap for another truck because a/c broke down in first truck. Nearly had a heat stroke.
    Then a quick 350 run. Turned in all bills by Monday at noon, got paid direct deposit Wednesday. Not bad, cleared $1050 after taxes.

    I'm finishing a 34 hour reset in the middle of the 1100 mile run I'm currently on.

    1st impressions. Looks like miles are there, equipment is pretty ok and the fact that they swap trucks rather than have you hang out and wait for repairs is a big plus. Most loads are drop and hook. They have several strategically located operating centers, but they're nothing to brag about. Couch, tv and microwave mostly.

    Slip seating will take some adjustment, but so far it looks like it's going to be a fair trade off for home time options.
  5. Army91W

    Army91W Heavy Load Member

    Nov 3, 2006
    San Antonio, TX
    If I had a problem I always tried to swap trucks at the Charleston, MO terminal i55/i57. That’s where they prepare the new trucks. There’s no guarantee you’ll get one but new trucks are always reserved at the rest of the terminals. ;)
  6. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Thanks @Army91W I may be tapping you for tips in the future. They sent me to Charleston for swap at first but I got there Friday night and didn't know what the heck to do. No one was there. Saturday I found the truck they reserved for me but it had a couple minor dot repairs needed and the one mechanic on duty for Saturday was overwhelmed so I continued run to laredo and swapped there. In the future I will know how to swap a truck in the middle of the night if necessary.
    LoSt_AgAiN and Army91W Thank this.
  7. Army91W

    Army91W Heavy Load Member

    Nov 3, 2006
    San Antonio, TX
    What I usually do is write down in order the unit of the trucks I want and then go to the key board and see if the keys are there. If they are I call my dispatcher and we go through which trucks of the ones I want is available.

    The cabinets in the sleeper start to rattle over 100k miles. I generally look for the newest truck, to keep my sanity from the rattling cabinets. lol

    Get your dispatcher’s email. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat on hold, emailed my dispatcher got an answer back via email before I got off hold. Your dispatcher is your planner so if you’re going to drop your load after five pm and you don’t have a preplan yet, shoot an email to your dispatcher.

    I would usually throw in what load I wanted too and if it was available I generally got it. The night people and other dispatchers aren’t as good. I’m pretty sure your dispatcher gets bonuses based upon retention because my dispatcher always tried to keep me happy. Which I’m a truck driver so we know it’s hard to do. lol
  8. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Wish I had known that trick! There were a bunch of keys on the charleston key board I could have asked for.
    LoSt_AgAiN and Army91W Thank this.
  9. Flat Earth Trucker

    Flat Earth Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2018
    Poor goat. Just thrown about on the company lot.
  10. Army91W

    Army91W Heavy Load Member

    Nov 3, 2006
    San Antonio, TX
    They didn’t cover it in my orientation but they reimburse for paid parking. I used that a lot in Illinois and Tennessee. They really are driver friendly they just don’t like telling you about everything and you kind of have to figure it out. Their fuel card works for the CAT scale app too. You just need your load number but most loads are less than 20knso I barely used it.
    LoSt_AgAiN, Wasted Thyme and UturnGirl Thank this.
  11. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Yes, in Toledo, he lives in Corpus Christi. It was brutal.
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