to all end dump haulers...

Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by leo319, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    Take a bite of a Fuji, then take a bite of a Granny Smith.
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  3. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    @Professor No-Name do you have this adjustment screw on your steering box? I’m being told this might rectify my issue with the notchiness in my steering. My disgust for these anthems grows more and more with every mile. IMG_1501.jpeg
  4. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    Yesterday I did 2 haydites around town and preloaded 1 for right past my house, and came home. This morning I dumped that, went up to the haydite mine again and loaded heavy for Beatrice NE, dumped that scurried over to Omaha and loaded glass, came down to KC dumped and was told to have a good Thanksgiving. Skidded into the shop with an hour left on my 14 and drove home. Tuesday starts the weekend!! How’s everyone else doing?
    NightWind Thanks this.
  5. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    I’m waiting to unload some fertilizer then see what kind of preload awaits, sad part about it I put in for vacation starting today and here I am working, scheduling fell apart at the end of last week pushing off what was a preload on Friday to loading it Monday and pushing my 2 day holiday week to 3. How are you @Arctic_fox havent heard that you made it out of commiefornia safely, and home for the holiday. Enjoy the holiday @motocross25
    NightWind Thanks this.
  6. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    Yup yup been out since friday. I just crossed over to kansas now. Done almost 3000 miles the last 4 days of that tells you anything lol.
    Trashtrucker1707 Thanks this.
  7. NightWind

    NightWind Road Train Member

    Nov 11, 2006
    Sunny South, AL
    I am around, just been so busy! Too many projects going on. Putting an addition to my shop. Then building a new 40x48x14 pole barn because I am OVER working on things in the sun. Humidity and sun are the bane of my existence so I am resolving them. Then I have been looking for a different piece of property to build a barndominium on then I will sell this place and have less property to take care of. Plus looking at getting another retired DOD dog or one that needs a safe place. Just has to fit in here with Ziva.
    There are different adjustments in the steering gear boxes on ALL trucks, the external stops and the internal ones, Dunno if that helps.
    Sons Hero, motocross25 and REO6205 Thank this.
  8. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    Good hearing from you! It had been awhile so I thought I’d better make sure you were still among the living. Glad to hear you’re staying busy and you’ll have to keep me posted when possible if you get the barndominium going as I think those things are great! Happy thanksgiving!
    NightWind Thanks this.
  9. NightWind

    NightWind Road Train Member

    Nov 11, 2006
    Sunny South, AL
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from me and Ziva!
    Sons Hero Thanks this.
  10. Professor No-Name

    Professor No-Name Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    I will look an see. Thx for the tip.
  11. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    The more i hear about how bad those macks are.....the gladder i am that the one i was going to get went stupid on priceing (i am NOT paying $290K for a truck when i can literally rebuild any other truck to factory new for half that)
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