Air blasting out of the purge tank safety valve…governor changed, purge valve changed. Everything airs up great not sure what’s going on.
Too much Air!?
Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by MemphisOrion, Nov 28, 2024.
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Unloader valve not working? Verify governor is sending air to purge valve and unloader at the proper PSI?
D.Tibbitt, MemphisOrion and Goodysnap Thank this. -
Check for proper unload air signal at the compressor.D.Tibbitt, MemphisOrion and Diesel Dave Thank this. -
I agree on the unloader. But I have seen bad safety valves a time or two. They just sit there and collect dirt. Most recent one I had was a 140 psi one keep popping off at 110. Never let compressor unloader shut off. Tap on it, it would close. Started doing it once every 5 or 6 cycles, then went to every time.
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