Top brain surgeon who says he went to heaven reveals what it's like

Discussion in 'Other News' started by Chinatown, Dec 2, 2024.

  1. Truckers Report Jobs

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  2. Flat Earth Trucker

    Flat Earth Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2018
    The_vett and mjd4277 Thank this.
  3. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
    Sometimes there are things that can’t be explained. And it can make people have a very different perspective on life.
    The_vett and Flat Earth Trucker Thank this.
  4. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    Remember the old Georg Carline joke...."I took so much dope that I saw God. God told me to quit taking so much dope."
  5. Lennythedriver

    Lennythedriver Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2020
    The way I see it, is it’s life’s greatest mystery because nobody knows what happens when you die and until you die. And then maybe nothing happens. Did anything happen before you were born and do you remember it? Of course not. So I don’t really understand what the worry is. If everything goes black and that’s it, you don’t exist, it’s not gonna hurt, there’s no anxiety because you don’t know. If there is an afterlife, well, enjoy it. That’s how I look at it.
  6. The_vett

    The_vett Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    George Carlin was very smart. He saw the truth easily that some people will never see. To know what he knew takes true honesty, lack of ego, modesty, and weather it is nurture or nature, most humans don't get it.
    But yes all this stuff is very interesting. When our own time comes I think each of us will be ready, no mater what we see I do feel it is love.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2024
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