Training at Maverick for CDL graduate.

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by Begining at 48, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. Begining at 48

    Begining at 48 Bobtail Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    Baileyville, IL
    Just getting ready for CDL school and have made the decision to attempt Maverick Transport for my first place of employment. ( I say first because of the threads saying how difficult the hiring process is at Maverick) I am sure this is addressed somewhere in these threads after looking for some time I still have questions. First off I have spent the last twenty two years in law enforcement and now I am ready to make some money. I also have military experience and hope it helps a little. The questions I have are pretty general: How long is orientation and where would it be? Where is flatbed training conducted? How long with the trainer (approx)? How much time is there between orientation/training and hooking up with a trainer? I definitely would like to try to get into a company that I can stay with. I don't like jumping around and think Maverick sounds to be a pretty respectable company. Thank you in advanced for any and all opinions. This web site has been a life saver so far. OH and please don't hold the Law Enforcement thing against me, never bothered the truckers unless they were on the EPIC or Black Asphalt hit list. :biggrin_2552:
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  3. Bishop73

    Bishop73 Light Load Member

    May 8, 2009
    Central Texas
    Hey Begining at 48, welcome to the site! I just changed careers myself, and though I'm not yet in orientation with Maverick (I will be on Sunday) I can answer most of your questions.

    -Orientation is held at the North Little Rock facility, it will last one week starting on a Sunday morning. Thursday is the day that you are officially hired.
    -Load securement is also held at NLR and will be the week following orientation, that is where you will learn Mavericks way of securing your loads.
    -If you go into the Glass division you will then spend a week in NC learning how to secure glass loads.
    -Time with trainer, is a minimum of 3 weeks I believe, could be longer if either you or the trainer feel you need it. How soon you hook up with you trainer depends on where you are from as they try to pair you with someone close to your home.

    There is a ton of info in the Maverick section and I'm sure some of the more experienced guys will pop in to cover anything I missed.
  4. Begining at 48

    Begining at 48 Bobtail Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    Baileyville, IL
    Hey Bishop73, thanks for the info. If you don't mind I would like to keep in touch with you as you go through the process. Well I am sure I want to go flatbed. Like the idea of the glass spending a lot of time in Canada, but glass and I don't get along, would probably end up owning Maverick more for breakage than what my wages would be. LOL
    Bishop73 Thanks this.
  5. Bishop73

    Bishop73 Light Load Member

    May 8, 2009
    Central Texas
    Sure thing, you can PM me anytime. I'm still contemplating making my own "follow me" thread, not sure it would be any more informative than the great ones others already have started.
  6. jmajr5

    jmajr5 Bobtail Member

    Apr 5, 2013
    Ok so I'm guessing I'm not the only old man heading to orientation I'm 48 also changing careers from Communications
    jkarp77 Thanks this.
  7. hesgoneagain

    hesgoneagain Medium Load Member

    Nov 16, 2011
    Denton, North Carolina
    Not a 100% sure but I think they moved the glass training to Little Rock. Last time at Laurinburg there were no students there. All training stuff gone
  8. CaptainX3

    CaptainX3 Road Train Member

    Nov 10, 2011
    Fort Worth, TX
    Yes glass training is in NLR now, taking up sevral of our parking spots lol.
  9. jxu417

    jxu417 Road Train Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Midwestern OH
    Fewer flatbedders for you to keep awake all night with your reefer unit, CaptainX3!! LOL
  10. CaptainX3

    CaptainX3 Road Train Member

    Nov 10, 2011
    Fort Worth, TX
    Haha and don't you forget it :p
  11. jxu417

    jxu417 Road Train Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Midwestern OH
    I bet a cheater bar would take care of that noisemaker though! Hahahaha!! (J/K non-posters....)
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