TransAm Trucking, Inc. - Olathe, Ks.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by tjgosurf, Aug 29, 2006.

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  1. Panhandle flash

    Panhandle flash Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2008
    Oklahoma City
    Have just stopped in Clearfield. Sure wish I knew whether I was coming or going!!!!!
    HometimeQueen Thanks this.
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  3. gntorres61

    gntorres61 Road Train Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    Plymouth NC
    Currently half hour west of Cleveland OH in a service plaza. Headed through Ohio and Pennsylvania today and maybe into New York State. Time to run. Deuces.
    HometimeQueen Thanks this.
  4. jaso36

    jaso36 Medium Load Member

    Jan 19, 2012
    West End,Nc
    Small companies out of NYC mostly local, Manhatten mini storage, moving right along, croptom movers
  5. Panhandle flash

    Panhandle flash Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2008
    Oklahoma City
    This doesn't bode well. Truck won't start. Think pump may have gone bad. *sighs*
  6. dennisroc

    dennisroc Road Train Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    Anjung-Ri, South Korea
    Thanks HTQ , Just arrived in Indiana last night and met my new grandson , handsome boy !

    Flew from Korea to Japan on the first leg and when we arrived in Japan our flight had been cancelled. WHAT !!!

    I won't say what airlines it was I will just say it was an " AMERICAN AIRLINES " ;). So we waited in line for 2 hours and got rerouted with Delta and was here only 1.5 hours late. Could have been worse I guess.

    All is good ! Got my 6 yr old Grandson an IPad so he is downloading games as I am typing this. This kid knows more about downloading stuff than I do . He was in kindergarten this year and when he started they passed out iPad's to all the students , I guess they might as well start learning young.
    When I was his age we couldn't even afford an " Etch-A-Sketch ". Lol

    Last year when I was home I had not thought much about trucking so I really did not get a chance to even look around at truck stops or schools but on the way home from the airport I was really checking out trucks in a different way.

    Looking forward to checking some stuff out .

    Have a good day everybody.
    HometimeQueen and jaso36 Thank this.
  7. passport220

    passport220 Road Train Member

    Oct 9, 2012
    Des Moines, IA
    Grrrr, just had this type of swap come over the little, angry, black box. Weekend dispatch has it documented that I have been up, awake and running for the last 4 hours. Started just before 7am. Now they want to send me a swap where I go on break for 10 hours in a busy, loud truck stop and then run overnight, through the mountains of Pennsylvania to make a delivery tomorrow morning.

    Waiting for someone from dispach to call me back to let them know it is not going to happen <sigh>
    HometimeQueen Thanks this.
  8. Panhandle flash

    Panhandle flash Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2008
    Oklahoma City
    Difference between my company and yours, one of them any way, is that I carry spare parts and am expected to use them. Changed out fuel filter and primed it, and truck is up and running. Think they forgot a gasket last time and have air in the system. Multifunction lite is now illuminated, indicating a emissions problem. Oh well, at least it's running.
  9. .honeybadger.

    .honeybadger. Road Train Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    I'm at the Flying J in Indy until about 1030 tonight. My 70 is all kinds of messed up. I deliver Tuesday morning in Ocoee, FL. Tomorrow my pin should be set in Jackson, GA.
    HometimeQueen and passport220 Thank this.
  10. gamma

    gamma Light Load Member

    Sep 1, 2009
    Nashville, AR
    Hey all just wanted to stop in and say I'm Alive!!! lol sitting in Des Moines since thursday truck is in the shop.... was losing coolant at a rapid rate with no visible leak lol..... truns out it was all coming out the exhaust... not good... otherwise been doing great getting plenty of miles.... no longer have a dm tho as mine left the company... hope everyone is well
    passport220, jungHo and HometimeQueen Thank this.
  11. kf4omc

    kf4omc Medium Load Member

    Aug 24, 2012
    Clearwater, FL
    Any one know if Calico is still working in Rockwall?
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