TransAm Trucking, Inc. - Olathe, Ks.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by tjgosurf, Aug 29, 2006.

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  1. .honeybadger.

    .honeybadger. Road Train Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    Dennis, whenever you are out truck-watching, the Flying J here in Indianapolis I-465x4 is prime real estate because it's packed pretty much 24/7. It's also one of TransAm's favorite swap locations.

    I feel human after getting a shower. I woke up this morning with a horrible migraine so I grabbed my load in Logansport and trekked down here to Indy to take another break. Drop dead isn't until 2100 and I come off my 10 at 2230. I will run all night. Met up with my best friend yet again and cooked hamburger helper which we demolished then showered and now I'm relaxing til we leave tonight. Opposite directions, but we can talk on the phone all night and keep each other going.
    HometimeQueen and dennisroc Thank this.
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  3. gamma

    gamma Light Load Member

    Sep 1, 2009
    Nashville, AR
    last time I was there she was still there that was probably 3 weeks ago
  4. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    anyone have the direct number to leasing?
    IRS is hounding me for some paperwork to document
    part of the lease BS
    Trans Am Lease the gift that just keeps on giving
    after you are gone

    hey Gamma been trying to get over to Des Moines all day
    but just had to take a left up to Waterloo
    HTQ wanted me to buy you some BBQ
    HometimeQueen Thanks this.
  5. .honeybadger.

    .honeybadger. Road Train Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    Pete, it's 913-324-7122. Sometimes they answer, sometimes ya gotta leave a message. You know how it goes.
  6. HometimeQueen

    HometimeQueen Road Train Member

    May 7, 2012
    honeybadger do you have a CO2 detector in your truck? Remember a week or so ago I said I had a migraine? I said it jokingly but it was the truth....and I was extremely cranky and would wake up tired. I thought it was from working outside in the heat. Today for whatever reason the King decided to check out the utility room, it is downstairs below the bedroom, he found a hole the size of a nickel on the back side of the exhaust vent off of the hot water heater. I do have a CO2 detector ....but for some reason it had been unplugged (teenagers!).

    I think you have had migraines a couple of times here lately just checking .....
    .honeybadger. Thanks this.
  7. dennisroc

    dennisroc Road Train Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    Anjung-Ri, South Korea
    I-465 x 4 What does the 4 stand for ? Do you mean there are 4 Flying J's off of 465 ? The north side is good for me but anywhere is fine. Is there a certain one that TA trucks go to there ?
  8. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    x 4 means exit 4

    but you will find transam drivers up on 65 closer to you
    dennisroc Thanks this.
  9. gamma

    gamma Light Load Member

    Sep 1, 2009
    Nashville, AR
    lol its all good pete.... been laid up in hotel room all day with a wicked tooth ache..... and yet again i'm glad i didnt lease.... lol
  10. gntorres61

    gntorres61 Road Train Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    Plymouth NC
    I worked with Calico Memorial Day weekend, my first here, but haven't heard from her since. I met her and Neal right after orientation and I have worked every weekend since, but haven't heard from her since. If you want I can text dispatch. UPDATE: I am in Drums PA at the Pilot I80 x256. I arrived here at 1530 eastern to gobble up the last spot. I decided then I was officially in the northeast and itz a Sunday to boot so I shut her down. Will leave out after 7am to finish the 430 miles as I don't deliver at B and M Beans til 0500 on Tuesday, unless you all offer better advice. The GPS is keeping me away from NYC as I will pickup I 81 north four miles from here and take I 84 across NY, into Connecticut and so forth. Deuces.
    jungHo Thanks this.
  11. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    did you see that notice of 84 above Hartford Conn being shut down for bridge work?
    you will have to pick up 91 from Hartford up to Springfield and take Mass Pike (I 90 )
    84 goes to 90 20 or so miles east so it wont be far out of the way
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