Transport National Oak Creek WI

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Gunner75, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. crb

    crb Road Train Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    I keep seeing your guys trucks all over my running area.
    G13Tomcat and Gunner75 Thank this.
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  3. Gunner75

    Gunner75 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2014
    Jackson Center Ohio
    Its been several months since i last updated the thread. Things have really taken off for me, I've pulled about 53 oversize loads with my longest having me at 88ft, widest at 14ft, and tallest at 15ft. As of todays date, I've managed to gross just under $25k, and I'm loving what I'm doing here. The people are great, the loads are interesting and challenging for one just starting out hauling OD. I'm going to be getting into a new truck here in the next week or so. Not what i was looking for, and the truck itself is a step down in my view but its not too awful as they do make up for the short comings in creature comforts. In the end I'm absolutely loving life here. Being over here has afforded me to do things that i would be able to do at other places.
  4. Coover

    Coover Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2016
    That's pretty decent pay for not having the headache of owning the truck. Glad to see some companies actually appreciate and will compensate a professional safe compliant driver
    BigBob410 and Gunner75 Thank this.
  5. Gunner75

    Gunner75 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2014
    Jackson Center Ohio
    I could say plenty more but then it would look like I'd be over exaggerating. I'm currently in oak creek getting a full service done on my truck and getting a few things addressed.
    Lonesome, Shock Therapy and BigBob410 Thank this.
  6. BigBob410

    BigBob410 Road Train Member

    Feb 2, 2016
    Beirut on the Bay, MD.
    Glad it's going good for you!! It's tough to find jobs in this industry nowadays that treat you right!!
    Shock Therapy Thanks this.
  7. Gunner75

    Gunner75 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2014
    Jackson Center Ohio
    Just took a stroll through the oak creek yard and checked out our latest additions to the fleet.
    This trailer is a dual extendable heavy haul with torsion controlled steerable axles. They also have the ability to go into remote controlled manual mode. 20180420_110857.jpg
    This is the one that everyone calls king kong, steerable axles with extendable inserts, we have several stingers that can be added for added weights 20180420_110949.jpg
    The call this one mini kong because its similar to king kong but not as much weight 20180420_111009.jpg
    This is our heavy haul steerable schnauble, it has several outrigger parts for different setups like windmill blades and towers. 20180420_111022.jpg
  8. Coover

    Coover Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2016
    Wow, looks cool.... But I have a hard enough time with a 2 axle trailer lol ;-)
    Kyle G., Shock Therapy and Gunner75 Thank this.
  9. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    Glad you are liking it there Gunner. I just recently started getting my feet wet in the flatbed world, so i am a few steps behind you, but i find what you do very intriguing. So far the standard 53’ flat is enough of a challenge for my stupid brain though lol.

    Would you explain how the steerable axles work? I have always been curious about that. Does the driver control that or does the escort driver do it remotely from behind? I have seen them in action In tight situations and always wondered how they manage to maneuver everything so perfectly.
    Shock Therapy and Gunner75 Thank this.
  10. Gunner75

    Gunner75 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2014
    Jackson Center Ohio
    It depends on what the steerable is set up for. The trailers i just posted are all automatic torsion controlled. Meaning that depending on the amount of pressure that is being applied to a specific direction that the axle will steer its self. Now they also have a manual mode that allows a pilot to control the axle from the rear as well. For extremely tight turns where you need very slow and subtle moves, you'll want the pilot to manually steer.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2018
    Kyle G. and Shock Therapy Thank this.
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