Tri axel dump truck question about hours on engine.

Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by RSB34, Oct 21, 2024.

  1. RSB34

    RSB34 Light Load Member

    Feb 9, 2013
    I owned and operated tractor trailers for 15+ years 30 years trucking. Have my own shop do most my work myself. Just some background on me) . Recently i’ve been looking to add a triaxel dump truck I have opportunity for a good contract. I’ve been seeing dump trucks with 25-30k hours one had 40k. My thinking on a road truck, when it hit 20k hours. It was time to think about engine work. I know blacktop hauling and construction in general you can get a lot of idle time. They have relatively low miles. I’m automatically dismissing these trucks due to hours but they look nice. Seems to run good. What is a high hour engine for a dump truck? where do you draw the line on hours when buying a dump truck? I’m just curious, when I see a truck with 200k miles and 30k hours it’s like wow to me not used to seeing that.
    W923 Thanks this.
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  3. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    If the oil sample report and the blowby test are good then I wouldn't be too concerned about a higher number of hours.
    W923, beastr123 and RSB34 Thank this.
  4. W923

    W923 Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2022
    I have a l9000 concrete mixer truck (now a local daycab) with 196k and 37000 hours we put another 50k miles and idk how many hours on it. Took that m11 out and replaced with a 3406 cat….best thing I ever did. The m11 had lots of blowby and would get pretty thirsty for oil around 7k usually would take 2-3 more gallon to get to 10k. No one good reason for the swap, just a bunch of small problems that added up to a big one. I have a buddy that had a w9 dump truck with 67k hours on a 3406e… believed to have been inframed once but no one knows and was all around a great truck for him. I know of 2 other trucks that didn’t make it 2
    To 20k hours. Largely depends on maintenance and some luck in my opinion Bottom line I wouldn’t be that worried about the hours….buy the otherwise best truck that fits your needs.
  5. RSB34

    RSB34 Light Load Member

    Feb 9, 2013
    Wow 67k. I’m partial to cats. One truck has a m 11 I was looking at. Did that M11 run well with decent power?
    W923 Thanks this.
  6. W923

    W923 Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2022
    I think it depends on what generation of m11 you’re looking at here’s my experience with them
    That particular m11 was a turd it was a 95 regular celect and no one would touch it. It was set at 370 and 1450 I think. The biggest problem with it was over 1500 rpm it had nothing even though it would run to 2000….i still think it had some type of fleet program that was causing this but two different shops hooked up to it and said no it’s wide open. I know of 2 trucks around here with m11 celect plus and they seem to be respectable but I’ve never driven them. I have driven a fl classic with an ism11 and I was impressed (not 14 liter power) but pulled great. Those little engines are 1000-1500 pounds lighter than a 3406 so that’s decent a plus. I’m guessing I will get hassled over this but the 3406 that replaced my m11 actually gets better mileage doing the same work in less time.
    Oxbow Thanks this.
  7. RSB34

    RSB34 Light Load Member

    Feb 9, 2013
    It’s a 1999 celect plus. In a t800. T looks in nice shape. Has 1.2 on it but rebuilt at 800k I’m weary wish it had a N14. Another is a freightliner with a c12 I had a c12 in a western star tractor it was ok probably be good in a tri axle. Then a Mack 06 with a m8 460hp. That one was rebuilt 100k ago. My dad’s side of the family own a lot of Volvo and Mack dealers. Not close relation like 2nd cousins. So it gets some discount but not much. Won’t push my truck to the front if I couldn’t fix it. Dads generation would have helped more my generation not so much. They are also 40 times bigger now so it’s understandable. I’m not in a hurry have all winter. But ic I find the right one I’ll jump on it.
  8. W923

    W923 Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2022
    1.2mill on a dump truck….holy ####
    Is it a converted road tractor…if so how well was it built. Just thoughts
    A c12 will work good a buddy of mine has them in roll off trucks I think they were lightly tuned and run around 450…I would consider owning one. The m11 being a celct plus might have better luck than I did with the 95. One problem I see with that vintage of Cummins is decent replacement injectors are tough to find.
    Oxbow and RSB34 Thank this.
  9. RSB34

    RSB34 Light Load Member

    Feb 9, 2013
    I don’t think it’s converted. Looks nice but it think I’m staying away from it. Those miles and 400 on rebuild I think is a red flag.
    Oxbow Thanks this.
  10. abyliks

    abyliks Road Train Member

    May 2, 2010
    ludlow MA
    You are buying a truck that needs a motor, period

    not hard to do miles/hours to get average speed, dumps do nothing but start, stop and turn
  11. RSB34

    RSB34 Light Load Member

    Feb 9, 2013
    Yeh, seems like every truck I’ve bought cost 15-20k in repairs within first 3months
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