One 2 words sums of this company: ALL LIES! Don’t pay you what they say they will.
Any review that says this confirms is a great company is a LIE. If you a driver and you believe those reviews, you are getting TRICKED. Don't believe me come here and you'll find out.
Good trucks, ONLY IF THEY STOP putting off the maintenance. ONLY good this about here is PAYROLL LADY NAMED BRIANNA.
She actually helps with money problems. Adam(hazmat dispatcher) is also great.
EVERYTHING! Money problems, lies, Planners(do not know how to book loads), dispatchers TRASH(Chris and Tracy), have to call in at least 10x to get someone on the phone.
Home Time(Never on time)
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers
Tribe Express/Transport- Gainesville, GA
Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Michaeljackson15000, Jul 26, 2024.
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Sounds like 95% of the companies in this current trucking market in North America. I believe as many seem to be racing to the bottom they're screwing over their drivers and lease on O/o's. Some may or may nothae previously conducted themselves that way however, times financial in the market makes the trend if this occurrence.
bryan21384 and TurkeyCreekJackJohnson Thank this. -
He just described a normal day in trucking
HaglerFan, TB John, bryan21384 and 1 other person Thank this. -
If people give Tribe Express good reviews, how can you say they're lying? You're experience doesn't speak for everyone else's experience.
Why did you leave your last company?
explain more specific how they lied? show the evidence.
Last edited: Jul 27, 2024
Women owned company........
TripleSix Thanks this. -
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