Tribe express, tribe transport??

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by TIMEWEASEL, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. HappySafeLegalDriver

    HappySafeLegalDriver Bobtail Member

    Jan 2, 2018
    Southeast Georgia
    Yes I currently work here, they are a trucking company, just like all the rest... it’s a matter of personal choice as to would it be good for you! It all depends on what your looking to get out of a company, hometime and running area...

    I enjoy it here, is everything perfect, nope not close... but it fits what I need right now, I make good money and get the home time I need!
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  3. HappySafeLegalDriver

    HappySafeLegalDriver Bobtail Member

    Jan 2, 2018
    Southeast Georgia
    Wrong... every truck has an investor, fridge, tripac and satellite tv! There are a few teams trucks with no tripac, but the idle is unlimited on those units....
  4. J-brown1969

    J-brown1969 Bobtail Member

    May 7, 2019
    All you have said is truth and such more is wrong with this company. I also worked here it was terrible. They so not care about their drivers at all they will push you to run illegally even when they know your tired they push. They sent me to pickup loads from broken down drivers then hit me with the late fees $100 a pop. When they hire you they fail to let you know that you get to do an ergo test which many do not even know what this is, I passed it flying colors but many didn't it was really bad out of like 20 ppl on 11 made it and got to work here. The equipment looks good but that's all it does because they do not keep it maintained it is bad news for the drivers and you end up broken down sitting without pay. Hometime is a joke because like others have said they "conveniently" lose your request for your hometime. The drivers are only good for being pushed as hard as they can push you to run as hard as they can then your meaningless. They tried to hire me back I refused. It's an all around bad company. Save yourself the upset, the headaches the stress of this place find a better company, that's what I did. I work for R.E. Garrison now been here almost 2 years and I'm happy they pay well newer trucks with all the amenities, sat., inverter, tripac, fridges and you get a t.v. so all the same but much better and better money get paid weekly and we always get paid.
  5. gpf87

    gpf87 Heavy Load Member

    Feb 2, 2017
    He wasn't wrong at the time . You responded to a comment from 7 years ago
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