Truck not building air...leaking governor

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by wjhuskey, Jul 11, 2024.

  1. wjhuskey

    wjhuskey Bobtail Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Hello guys. I'm still confused why my 1993 Peterbilt 379 project truck isn't building air. Won't build over 20 pounds. The air governor under the hood was spewing air last time I started it so I replaced it but new one still spews obviously that's part of the low air problem. I can't hear any leaks anywhere else even with the truck shut off. This truck has been setting for 5+ years. Already checked air dryer with truck running and purge valve seems fine.

    NOTE: Something else to consider but may not be related to anything except low air pressure...when the brake pedal is pressed, it makes an air toot sound coming from behind the park brake knobs area on the dash.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2024
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  3. BoxCarKidd

    BoxCarKidd Road Train Member

    Aug 26, 2014
    Is the governor mounted on the compressor or else where? Picture?
  4. wjhuskey

    wjhuskey Bobtail Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Yes mounted to the compressor. Will try to get a pic sometime soon.
  5. BoxCarKidd

    BoxCarKidd Road Train Member

    Aug 26, 2014
    OK no picture needed of that. Unbolt it from the compressor and leave all the lines connected.
    When the engine is running, and air pressure is low does air blow out the center port between the mounting bolts? If so the governor is bad or connected incorrectly.
    If that is OK I connect an air line to the compressor outlet to a tire blast can with a gauge. Air goes no where else. It builds air or it does not. Compressor is good or it is bad.
    I know everyone does not have these resources. You can do the same thing with a line plugged to a small air compressor or a tire inflater can that has a gauge.
    Big Road Skateboard Thanks this.
  6. wjhuskey

    wjhuskey Bobtail Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Yes I believe that's where the air is spewing from the governor. I put the lines back on the same way when I put on the new governor but it's STILL spewing. I reversed them just to make sure and didn't fix it so put them back.
    Also, the latter part of your post, are you talking about hooking an air hose from a regular shop type air compressor into the trucks air tank coupler to build up the pressure? Or hooking direct to truck compressor?
  7. BoxCarKidd

    BoxCarKidd Road Train Member

    Aug 26, 2014
    Direct to the the compressor air outlet. You are using the truck compressor to build pressure in a tank that has nothing to do with the truck. If you use a shop air compressor turn it off and drain the air out of it first.
    Yes I believe does not work. That is a yes or no question.
    Big Road Skateboard Thanks this.
  8. wjhuskey

    wjhuskey Bobtail Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Well I'll have to look again and the truck is on my farm 15 miles away. If I remember correctly, it's spewing out of the hole labeled EXH which I assume is exhaust
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
  9. Big Road Skateboard

    Big Road Skateboard Road Train Member

    May 2, 2021
    You should be able to unbolt the governor from the compressor, and start the truck, with no air leaking anywhere until you hit governed pressure. Roughly 120 psi

    So you've either got a governor or governor plumbing issue, or air coming out of the unloader signal hole on the compressor
    BoxCarKidd and wjhuskey Thank this.
  10. wjhuskey

    wjhuskey Bobtail Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Ok I really appreciate you helping me narrow it down! I will give it another look in a few days. Thanks again for the info.
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